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- Submitted 10 months ago to | 29 comments
- Comment on OpenAI introduces Sora, its text-to-video AI model 1 year ago:
I wonder if in the 1800s people saw the first photograph and thought… “well, that’s the end of painters.” Others probably said “look! it’s so shitty it can’t even reproduce colors!!!”.
What it was the end of was talentless painters who were just copying what they saw. Painting stopped being for service and started being for art. That is where software development is going.
I have worked with hundreds dread of software developers in the last 20 years, half of them were copy pasters who got into software because they tricked people into thinking it was magic. In the future we will still code, just don’t bother with the thing the Prompt Engineer can do in 5 seconds.
- Comment on OpenAI board in discussions with Sam Altman to return as CEO 1 year ago:
Maybe they just asked chatGPT who to hire.