- Comment on The Elon / Trump interview on X started with an immediate tech disaster 6 months ago:
Donald didn’t want to do it live
- Comment on Bungie CEO faces backlash after announcing 220 employees, or 17% of its workforce, will be laid off | Pete Parsons has spent $2.4 million on classic cars since Sony acquired Destiny developer Bungie 7 months ago:
Meh imperfect world. Let’s just say it would be nice if the talent got useful recognition too, which shifts the scales.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2024 7 months ago:
Wushu Dolls, intensifies
- Comment on Civilization is just a human zoo 10 months ago:
Insert Florida abortion politics joke
- Comment on The deepest sinkhole in Florida has a deadly secret. Here’s why you should stay away 10 months ago:
It’s kinda too bad as these usually have archaeological value. Macabre for sure, but people and animals have probably been falling in there, for a very long time. I hope it can get a proper investigation at some point in the future.
- Comment on Not if the lack of grammar and education gets you first... 1 year ago:
First they came for the grammar…
- Comment on Let's confuse Americans! 1 year ago:
It’s a great joke. Americans don’t understand what’s different, and that’s upsetting. Canadians understand, but you don’t pour out the bag, you just snip the corner and use the jug as a handle.
TLDR: Canada sells cum in bags.
- Comment on Baby boomers are sitting pretty – as millennials foot the bill for high inflation 1 year ago:
- Comment on AITA for asking my cousin to pay for the bills while staying in my summer house? 1 year ago:
NTA. Not even close. Most people make an effort to be fair, and especially so with family for this reason. That they expect something for free tells you everything. Just let the family know you’ve decided to rent during that month, so that you can recoup expenses. They’ll ask how much you can rent it for, and when they hear your answer they will be reminded how lucky they were. That won’t stop them from complaining of course, but at least they can’t play ignorant now.