- Comment on Should I or should I not use/bother with using Linux? (READ THE WHOLE POST) 4 months ago:
I’m both experienced and know jack shit because there is just too much to learn. I just started using it (1998ish) to make cool looking UIs. Its been my daily driver for 15 years now.
You will never learn it all. Over time you may become more familiar with the terminal or you may not. Doesn’t matter. You do you.
Its pretty easy to test drive. Grab a distros “Live CD” version, put in on a thumb drive, reboot and play around. This wont be persistent. When you’re ready, install it on an external SSD. Play around some more now that your edits will be persistent. You’ll mess up. Take notes. Start again once you’ve hosed your system.
- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
The original used XI where it was 9 or 11 depending on the side.
- Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 5 months ago:
For the networking I found some repos with Nix and Gluetun (OCI containers). I don’t see them in my bookmarks, so it was probably a day project when I set up and didn’t keep the references.
That part is still in docker / podman. So any docker network guide just needs to be translated to nix.
- Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 5 months ago:
Best resource I’ve found is searching GitHub.
My setup closely follows
For servarr I just translated someone else’s docker compose setup to nix. There are some ready made nix ones you can look at like
The complex networking I just picked up over time once I knew my way around a little bit.
GitHub is your best resource.
lang:nix search terms
. - Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 5 months ago:
I wouldn’t run NixOS in a container. With native nix containers I’m pretty sure they share the store. For docker I’d use images built with nix (doesn’t run nix itself) or pull from docker hub.
- Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 5 months ago:
OS: NixOS (high learning curve but its been worth it). Nix (the config language) is a functional programming language, so it can be difficult to grok. Documentation is shit as its evolved while maintaining backwards compatibility. If you use the new stuff (Nix Flakes) you have to figure what’s old and likely not applicable (channels or w/e).
BYOD: Just using LVM. All volumes are mirrored across several drives of different sizes. Some HDD volumes have an SSD cache layer on top (e.g., monero node). Some are just on an SSD (e.g., main system). No drive failures yet so can’t speak to how complex restoring is. All managed through NixOS with
I run stuff on a mix of OCI containers (podman or docker, default is podman which is what I use) and native NixOS containers which use systemd-nspawn.
The OS itself I don’t back up outside of mirroring. I run an immutable OS (every reboot is like a fresh install). I can redeploy from git so no need to backup. I have some persistent BTRFS volumes mounted where logs, caches, and state go. Don’t backup, but I swap the volume every boot and keep the last 30 days of volumes or a min of at least 10 for debugging.
I just use rclone for backups with some bash scripts. Devices back up to home lab which backs up to cloud (encrypted with my keys) all using rclone (RoundSync for phone).
Runs Arrs, Jellyfin, Monero node, Tor entry node, wireguard VPN (to get into network from remote), I2C, Mullvad VPN (default), Proton VPN (torrents with port forwarding use this), DNS (forced over VPN using DoT), PiHole in front of that, three of my WiFi vlans route through either Mulvad, I2C, or Tor. I’ll use TailsOS for anything sensitive. WiFi is just to get to I2C or Onion sites where I’m not worried about my device possibly leaking identity.
Its pretty low level. Everything is configured in NixOS. No GUIs. If its not configured in nix its wiped next reboot since the OS is immutable. All tracked in git including secrets using SOPS. Every device has its own master key setup on first install. I have a personal master key should I need to reinstall which is tracked outside of git in a password manager.
Took a solid month to get the initial setup done while learning NixOS. I had a very specific setup of LVM > LUKS encryption /w Secure Boot and Hardware Key > BTRFS. Overkill on security but I geek out on that stuff. Been stable but still tinkering with it a year later.
- Comment on every damn morning 5 months ago:
I saw that documentary. “The Wolf of Wall Street” or something? Maybe that was actually late 80s-early 90s.
On a daily basis I consume enough drugs to sedate Manhattan, Long Island, and Queens for a month. I take Quaaludes 10-15 times a day for my “back pain”, Adderall to stay focused, Xanax to take the edge off, pot to mellow me out, cocaine to wake me back up again, and morphine… Well, because it’s awesome.
- Comment on Dell Sales team told to return to office 5 days a week 5 months ago:
I’ve been screaming its just wage theft. My city provides tax breaks for occupancy (employees prop up the local economy buying lunch). They are making me pay for gas, time, and car maintenance (and lunch but fuck them, I’ll just not eat) for this tax break which goes to C-level bonuses/shareholders. Its just another way of skimming off the top of employee wages.
We worked fully remote for nearly 2 years and the hybrid policy just keeps getting worse and worse. Coupled with quarterly riffs, I also suspect this is to avoid severance pay/unemployment while accelerating the down sizing. Yet our CEO bonus keeps going up and up despite our stock plummeting since the end of COVID lock downs.
- Comment on every damn morning 5 months ago:
You need downers to ride the uppers and get that perfect drug fueled circadian rhythm going.
Energy drinks during the day and a nice indica bong/dab rip, edible, or blunt in the evening.
Warning: If things have escalated to cocaine/meth/adderall to go up and opiates and a handy from the local masseuse to go down, you’re probably riding the rhythm too hard.
/s please take care of yourself!
- Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
- Comment on Happy 12 million! 5 months ago:
- Multi-community simulator
- Defederation avoidance, usually paired with accounts on special interest servers you don’t want to risk losing access to.
- Porn and non-porn.
- Privacy by dividing online activities between multiple accounts to make it difficult to profile you and maintain some pseudonymity.
- Comment on Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome? 8 months ago:
Immutable Nixos. My entire server deployment from partitioning to config is stored in git on all my machines.
Every time I boot all runtime changes are “wiped”, which is really just BTRFS subvolume swapping.
Persistence is possible, but I’m forced to deal with it otherwise it will get wiped on boot.
I use LVM for mirrored volumes for local redundancy.
My persisted volumes are backed up automatically to B2 Backblaze using rclone. I don’t backup everything. Stuff I can download again are skipped for example. I don’t have anything currently that requires putting a process in “maint mode” like a database getting corrupt if I backup while its being written to. When I did, I’d either script gracefully shutting down the process or use any export functionality if the process supported it.
- Comment on NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense 8 months ago:
Don’t Look Up!
- Comment on Wall Street has spent billions buying homes. A crackdown is looming. 10 months ago:
I wouldn’t even bail out for COVID. I’m paying out the ass for insurance and still end up thousands in medical debt.
A gray area exists for small businesses, but fuck corporate welfare.
- Comment on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill that bans children under 14 from having social media accounts 11 months ago:
I understand the protocol. If I have to reveal my identity at any point during a transaction to any party, it is not anonymous. It may maintain some privacy between me and the content owner, but my activities are no longer anonymous.
“I need privacy, not because my actions are questionable, but because your judgement and intentions are.”
This goes for corporate and state level actors. I don’t trust Daddy Government or the age verifier to have my best interest in mind when they can start building a profile on the content I consume they deem not suitable for minors.
There may be a specific flavour of a zero knowledge proofs that works to maintain anonymity. Like, I’d rather pay with monero, and I do so when I can, than stripe for this very reason. My payment activity is decoupled from my real identity used to purchase the monero from a KYC institution.
That is not what this bill is proposing, so its not anonymous.
- Comment on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill that bans children under 14 from having social media accounts 11 months ago:
Same conclusion in my research. All these bullshit bills are erosions of privacy and/or a poor tax. CISPA, SOPA, PIPA, CASE, KOSA, etc…
- Comment on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill that bans children under 14 from having social media accounts 11 months ago:…/florida-desantis-social-media-age-…
[It] does require websites to give users the option of “anonymous age verification,” which is defined as verification by a third party that cannot retain identifying information after the task is complete.
Its not anonymous if you have to give up anonymity to complete the process.
Also seems ripe to use as a poor tax. How many Lemmy instances could survive a 10-50k fine per offense? The NetChoice gang can afford to fight, and if they lose, implement this.
Just to be clear, I’m not arguing for children on social media. This is just not the way. If the authors of this bill actually gave a shit, they would be fighting for living wages and less work so families can actually spend time together.
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
Company A submits a new device for certification signed by their private key.
Company B certifies the device signed by their private key.
Company C on boards a device for an end-user and is confident it came from Company A and has been verified by Company B since the device has a certificate that can be verified from Companies A and B.
Yes it prevents home brew (though you can do home brew by replacing Company C with your own controller), but it also prevents knock offs.
When this information is distributed (like Lemmy federation), between instances, one has a degree of assurances all these records originated from the signer.
While the ledger part is not required, it provides a nice audit trail for the companies who do not trust each other enough without the transparency. Sure a central authority like the ESRB could do the same, but we could also all be on Reddit and not Lemmy…
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
I’m not, it was just an example data broker. You are 100% sure that data is not getting sold?
I picked Google because back in my days of ignorance, their rewards app would ask if I made X purchase at Y store down to the penny. I wasn’t using GPay/GWallet, just my a debit or credit card. The Y I get with location services. Them having the transaction amount leads me to assume credit card companies/payment processors/etc are sharing this data in near real time. Probably anonymously but with enough data points to trace it back to an individual with a degree of confidence.
So I use XMR when I can. Locations services are also off.
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
Privacy is a crime? I pay for several online services with XMR (or BTC swapped from XMR): (mobile service), EteSync (E2EE contact sync), Proton Mail, Mullvad VPN, Usenet (might have an argument there).
Why can’t I access Google’s individual transactions but they should have access to mine?
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:…/distributed-compliance-ledger/
Matter Distributed Client Ledger. In use by Apple, Amazon, Google, Samsung, and many more.
Contains all the attestation information for on boarding Matter devices. Where once it was Google Home vs Apple HomeKit vs Amazon Echo / Alexa, supporting devices can now work cross ecosystem.
Since many of these companies are competitors working together. A distributed ledger makes sense to keep everyone honest and provide a level of tech supported governance.
- Comment on How to sign up to services that require sms authentication? 11 months ago:
A lot of those verify your number systems detect and block VoIP numbers.
- Comment on How to sign up to services that require sms authentication? 11 months ago:
I’ve been using Jmp. You don’t get a sim though (at least for calls and text, you can for data). It goes through Jabber. Their app can integrate with the dialer for calls. Never gave any personal info. Only paid with BTC / XMR.
- Comment on Can I build a NAS out of a desktop? [Request] 1 year ago:
My NAS is an mATX mobo with an i5, 64G RAM, 8 disk drives, 3 nvme drives, and an ARC GPU for video transcoding.
Disk drives are all mirrored. One nvme runs NixOS which is easy enough to redeploy if the drive dies. One nvme is cache on top of the disk drives. Last nvme I use for temp fast storage like Jellyfin transcoding.
Its more of a combo NAS/server as I run most self hosted apps on it (tor node, monero node, jellyfin, *arr stack, etc).
- Comment on Dropbox removed ability to opt your files out of AI training 1 year ago:
You pay for what you use. I have somewhere around 120-140GB and get a bill every 2 months. I think it has to be near a dollar you owe for them to invoice.
Be mindful of the class A/B/C transactions at the bottom of the page with pricing. I paid about $0.60 when I first set everything up in Class C transactions. I haven’t gone over the free 2500 or whatever they give you since.
I don’t use it quite like Dropbox with a watch daemon. I have an encrypted local back up I mount with rclone, do my work, then use rclone again to sync to b2 when I unmount it.
I wouldn’t use to version control some project I’m working on where files change frequently. Those transactions would probably kill the cost savings at some point.
- Comment on Dropbox removed ability to opt your files out of AI training 1 year ago:
For android there is RoundSync. It automatically backs up folders of your choice on a schedule. Not on any app store. It must be installed by downloading the apk from GitHub.
There is also Cryptomator as an alternative. I used it for years without issue, but prefer rclone for more control over my work stream. Think I paid a one time license $10 for desktop and another $10 for mobile.
Dropbox is only a good deal if you use near peak storage and/or do a lot of data transfers.
I was paying $120/yr for 2TB. Now I’m on B2 Backblaze. On paper Dropbox was cheaper, but with my usage pattern I’m paying like $1.00 every other month.
- Comment on Unison | A friendly, statically-typed, functional programming language from the future · Unison programming language 1 year ago:
That’s one of the things I appreciate in a language/framework. Drives me nuts getting an exception from a dependency of a dependency of a dependency.
Even better if its baked into the type system and I can’t run my code without handling it.
- Comment on Utah Supreme Court says suspects can refuse to hand over phone passwords to the police | Other state Supreme Courts disagree and the case would wind up before the US Supreme Court 1 year ago:
- Comment on Utah Supreme Court says suspects can refuse to hand over phone passwords to the police | Other state Supreme Courts disagree and the case would wind up before the US Supreme Court 1 year ago:
Yeah, I thought the magic words were “I don’t recall”. Seems to work in all those high profile cases, or maybe its just being wealthy.
- Comment on How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? 1 year ago:
You’re probably right! The reliability is just leagues better, especially with heavy use.