- Comment on Disposable vapes to be banned in England and Wales from June 4 months ago:
I’m so cute infused by this. I have a reusable weed pen that has zero of these issues. The product just comes in a sealed container and you screw it into the base.
- Comment on Kids and their computers these days. 7 months ago:
No one tell them about the computer in their truck!
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Great, now I have to worry about the morons buying this garbage flinging it at me.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
This has job descrimination lawsuit written all over it.
- Comment on Uber's new shuttle service sounds a lot like a bus route 9 months ago:
God… So many logical leaps in this one
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
Ha after reading this article I now get your reply
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
This link is more interesting…
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
It’s a weird history
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
I thought it was for c sections…
- Comment on Trustafarians: When the Rich Pretend to be Poor 9 months ago:
Well I agree with the difficulty here. But I think as a society we should both try to make it easier to make this transition and help individuals feel like they CAN make the transition. Otherwise it’s sort of nonstop toil ain’t it?
- Comment on Trustafarians: When the Rich Pretend to be Poor 9 months ago:
Well, one has to learn those things. But why are we shitting on people that do now?
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
Bikes bikes bikes!
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
I love MS hr here. We disagree because your data doesn’t match out, you also can’t look at our data. How full of shit is hr here… This just makes you look like a shitty company to work for.
- Comment on Seattle dance squad says they were told American flag shirts made audience members feel 'triggered and unsafe' 10 months ago:
Can you post a reputable story on this? Fox isn’t journalism, they’ve been very clear about that with their lawyers.
- Comment on Biden to defy Supreme Court in second attempt at sweeping student loan handout 10 months ago:
Well no, we need to make secondary education free really.
- Comment on Biden to defy Supreme Court in second attempt at sweeping student loan handout 10 months ago:
Well then bully for you. But I think it’s important that we make education easier for folks to obtain.
- Comment on Biden to defy Supreme Court in second attempt at sweeping student loan handout 10 months ago:
So we should remove all tax credits then? That’s what you’re saying? Another quick question, did you take money during covid? Did your business?
- Comment on Biden to defy Supreme Court in second attempt at sweeping student loan handout 10 months ago:
How about you pay for your kid and stock getting that tax credit? How about we stop subsidizing your gas to get to the job? You have a really dumb argument against helping people.
- Comment on Taylor Swift deepfakes on X falsely depict her engaging in election denialism — and have been viewed millions of times 1 year ago:
There might be real videos of that…
- Comment on Why Legal Immigration Is Impossible for Nearly Everyone 1 year ago:
Can we stop using the rest of the globe as our dumping ground then? We destroy entire countries so you can have your Walmart and then get mad when those refugees come here.
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
I give this 6 months before the list of visitors is released…
- Comment on Steve Ballmer is set to make $1 billion a year for doing nothing | CNN Business 1 year ago:
Ballmer also got Microsoft their first major contract back in the day. He did contribute massively to what MS is today. To that dollar value? No, no one contributes THAT MUCH. But it’s not like he wasn’t extremely impactful.
- Comment on Steve Ballmer is set to make $1 billion a year for doing nothing | CNN Business 1 year ago:
See this is the problem here. We have these insane examples of wealth that should really have been fixed with a 100% tax rate over something reasonable. But since we didn’t do that we have the other extremes, calling for tearing down other streams of income or demanding you should work the rest of your life for a wage vs investments. Neither of these positions offer much value here. Really we should be pushing for voters to turn out and create a reasonable tax rate. Take WA for example and how they created a 7% tax on over 250k annual for capital gains. Could that be more? Maybe. Could it be a sliding scale up? Sadly no due to the state constitution atm. As an engineer there I might be in a position that pays that, which I’m OK with, but no way I could buy a house here or live comfortably without working if there’s no investment income allowed. And I don’t really want to spend the rest of my life working for shitty tech companies.
- Comment on Steve Ballmer is set to make $1 billion a year for doing nothing | CNN Business 1 year ago:
Wait… But then the stock would be virtually worthless…
- Comment on Research: The Growing Inequality of Who Gets to Work from Home 1 year ago:
Ahh yes the divide and conquer argument. People can’t work remotely because the other chumps have to come in! Get outta here corporate!
- Comment on TikTok requires users to “forever waive” rights to sue over past harms 1 year ago:
Except in several states if any of the contract is invalid it all is.