- Comment on If you are “deemed not to be doing what you are told you will suddenly find out missiles won’t fire and planes won’t fly 1 day ago:
Aukus is dead
- Comment on Could Musk's unpopularity in Australia impact the election? 1 week ago:
Perhaps I am delusional, but I still hope that we are contrary and proud enough of a country to take whatever America can dish out to not be publicly humiliated into submission.
Obviously there are a multiple of less public submissions we’ve made over the last century, but I still have hope we can turn it around.
- Comment on Tiny pp 3 months ago:
Look, I don’t want to disagree with your point… But I can’t stand by as you suggest that we evolved from cave men… We may have created civilisations, but we’ve not evolved into a civilized creature… We’re still as uncooked as were 60k years ago.
- Comment on If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe 6 months ago:
Care to explain your point with some detail?
If this fails, I doubt we’ll see a second proposal. So I think it would be fair to measure any arguments you make as why no action is better than the proposal.
Correct me if I am wrong, but this petition doesn’t decide the wording of any law just ensures it is brought to attention of EU lawmakers and discussed right?
- Comment on Question about Australian towns 6 months ago:
I see war memorials as a reminder of what we’re trying to avoid, not as a glorification.
- Comment on Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ... 8 months ago:
I might be reading to much in to the previous commenters use of the word had. But you’re at arguments make a lot more sense today than 30 years ago.
It certainly was fear that stopped Australia from building a nuclear industry in the 90s. It made a lot of sense then. Today, it’s hard to see it anything more as a diversionary tactic.
- Comment on Maths 9 months ago:
I prefer mafs
- Comment on We compared the finances of 30-year-olds now, to 30-year-olds 30 years ago 11 months ago:
Nah good on you, fight the good fight. It wasn’t series of mistakes it was deliberate policy choices. Policy choices that show no sign of being changed. Capitalism has eaten democracy from the inside out, it will continue dancing around inside is skin till we see it for what it is.
- Comment on Internode and Westnet shutdown: TPG moves customers to iiNet 1 year ago:
I use launtel, I pay a premium i think, but I don’t know because I’ve go no desire to change.
- Comment on Scratch the surface of the Voice results, and a more complicated picture emerges — ABC News 1 year ago:
Well I didn’t see either a TV add for either side. I did heard a lot more ‘Don’t know vote No’ than anything else. I’m not sure anecdote is particularly helpful though.
- Comment on Scratch the surface of the Voice results, and a more complicated picture emerges — ABC News 1 year ago:
Probably hard to determine but I’d love to see proportion of no voters vs Murdoch news viewership. I feel like every other correlation could probably be tied to that variable.
- Comment on Referendum Results, Congratulations, Comiserations 1 year ago:
That’s not the definition of racism.
Giving people in a wheelchair a ramp onto the train is not ableism.
Giving children a booster seat in a car is not ageism.
Bigtory is about discriminating against people based on an attribute. So you’d need to argue that the rest of Australia is having their government representation taken away by the voice.
The entire point of the voice is try and treat people equally by addressing the intergenerational issues caused by systemic racism.
- Comment on internet points 1 year ago:
The academic system is a tiered system. Publish or perish is a term that mostly applies to early to mid career researchers, who are pracitcally all employed on fixed term contracts.You don’t lose your job if you don’t publish, you just can’t get (or are less competitive for) your next job.
Tenured academics (professors/A. Prof.) are on ongoing employment by the university. Their job is never really under threat. Although if they wanted to move jobs and be successful in grants then they want a productive group (many publications) to prove they are leading cutting edge research.
Universities care directly around how much grant funding their professors can pull into the university. However, in many countries it’s difficult to remove long serving academics. It’s not uncommon for ‘retired’ proffs to die at their desk, even though they checked out decade’s ago.
- Comment on Is Netflix's One Piece good? 1 year ago:
No one two jango was maybe the biggest miss, otherwise pretty good… especially given the absurdity of making one piece live action.
I really liked luffys accent… fit the character for me. Sanjis too.
- Comment on SpaceX projected 20 million Starlink users by 2022—it ended up with 1 million 1 year ago:
Nothing to do with cost, overlord Mudcock didn’t want foxtel to lose customers to internet streaming.
- Comment on [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! 1 year ago:
Inventory limits are a direct nerf to barrelmancy