- Comment on Why BlueSky Isn’t the Alternative to X (Formerly Twitter) You’re Looking For — and Why Mastodon Is the Better Choice Over X, Threads, and BlueSky 3 months ago:
As someone who uses both. I think Mastodon also just doesn’t have the users, it is not as easy to setup and I think understanding instances and its UI are less user friendly.
- Comment on I hate that that happens 4 months ago:
Your grammar and sanity are better for it. Actually, most cases I’m which a double that is used you can probably get away with a single that.
- Comment on X's idiocy is doing wonders for Bluesky. 4 months ago:
People want to socially interact on a platform with the intention of letting you socially interact. I understand Mastodon intends to do the same thing as.BlueSky so the question is why is BlueSky more.popular.
As someone who uses both. Mastodon’s UI and signup process is not as straight toward at least that is my personal reason why.
- Comment on Women in STEM 5 months ago:
Where is my fucking lady Rosalind Franklin at?
- Comment on Why is UI design backsliding? 5 months ago:
Isn’t there a way to just his the ribbon?
- Comment on Microsoft releases a new Windows app called Windows App for running Windows apps 5 months ago:
Ah yes, the always shitty, “I know everything because I am that business and person all the time and better than them.” Shit fucking comment.
At this point people who are like, “just use Linux” sound like, “just buy an iPhone.” The only difference is the Linux people don’t end up actually knowing shit about enterprise environments
I will get down voted because Lemmy is an Echo Chamber with people circle jerking their self justified opinions.
But seriously fuck off, dude. Anyone that literally says this doesn’t know shit about an actual environment.
Let me know when fucking Oracle’s shitty products work better on Linux boxes over Windows when their own fucking Linux products don’t work. I will go to the business I am a part of right now and let them know we should just hire you to make all of our financial and enterprise setup choices because you said so.
- Comment on Apple's mobile chips are now made in the U.S. — TSMC produces the older A16 Bionic at its Arizona fab 5 months ago:
China: “this guys right, we are almost close to be our own chip manufacture and owning Taiwan.”
- Comment on ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy 5 months ago:
Bottom line or not there are ways that ISP’s could mitigate the loss that would benefit their bottom like while hurting the consumer.
Example: 1000 users are now nor able to pay or use the internet because of Piracy. ISP says: oh we had 2000 users now we have 1000 easy we will just double the cost of internet on those 1000 users.
ISP’s are like any other company. Pointing it out doesn’t mean it is negative. They are a business ruin their business model and it impacts everyone. I am not saying you are wrong. I just think your comment tries to view this stance in a negative light in the context and something being a business with a bottom line doest not instantly make something negative or make something negative not worth fighting for.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
I love chicken, pork, and beef. I have tried the meat alternatives and I like most of what I have tried. I would be vegetarian if it honestly wasn’t so expensive sometimes. Not to say meat isn’t also expensive.
I work with a guy who is a vegan and honestly. I don’t get the hate towards the life style. Guy is as healthy as they get and morally more sound in the area of food than I am.
What am I missing on Vegan hate or even vegetarian hate. No one imposes on me. Honestly, I feel like they have something figured out I dont.
- Comment on What are some video games that you would show up to a local tournament for? 5 months ago:
Stellaris, 100%
Niche Sci-Fi game. 100% fun with strangers but to see people play out the battle of a Galaxy competitively playing as their empire meta or not meta would be an absolute blast.
- Comment on Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads 6 months ago:
I am using Firefox as of last week I made the switch to the browser a different password manager and so far it is fine but there have been a couple of hiccups but it’s not necessarily a Firefox issue but an implementation with Android issue.
For example auto forwarding to an app from a webpage in Firefox has worked half the time for me and the other half not so much.
This is a small example, having Google Chrome and like wise the Google app be native to Android so they move back and forth between one another and are interchangeable while using my phone is much more smooth on my Android device.
Other than that, I am not positive as to why. On Desktop, zero issues. Works like a charm.
- Comment on Tesla loses EV market dominance, falls below 50% in US [unit sales in 2024Q2] 7 months ago:
My buddy at work just bought one and I am not impressed or at least it doesn’t feel the same as the first time I sat in one about 5 years ago.
It looks cheap on the inside I noticed paneling off. The only thing I truly love about it is how quiet it is when he is driving. It is insanely peaceful and the car does look clean just cheap. It’s unfortunate because they are good looking cars in the outside but damn they just aren’t impressive when you are in one.
I wouldn’t tell him that he loves it and if he loves it then he loves it.
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
Going to ruin one for you guys.
One Republic’s Too Late to Apologize.
I used to think they said “it’s too late for Papa Johns.” I have told my friends and family and they can’t hear the original lyrics anymore. Every time I hear that song that is what I hear.
- Comment on Benny 😍😍😍 7 months ago:
What the fuck is he actually talking about? I have no fucking clue how the US is full of people that read this shit and go, “yeah politics and I am an American Republican this guy knows the truth.” Like how did we get to this kind of stupidity?
- Comment on we love those power laws 9 months ago:
Preps sophon on another planet
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 9 months ago:
Dude, you are going to break this person’s heart. Keep this knowledge to yourself.
- Comment on Microsoft wants to hide the 'Sign out' button in Windows 11 behind a Microsoft 365 ad 10 months ago:
Why is the target of your comment towards people that use Windows?
I am not sure why People on Lemmy feel like if they point something out to people who can’t see the comment is going to get them to change their mind.
I have and use both Linux and Windows. I prefer both for different reasons.
- Comment on No Tech for Apartheid: Google Workers Arrested for Protesting Company’s $1.2B Contract with Israel 10 months ago:
I am seeing a lot of comments on here but the context not being mentioned is that they were protesting while clocked in or working on the clock.
Google is technically in authority to do that. The article is worded a bit out of context to make the act of protesting an a big company we all find to be evil more evil for letting employees go that were wasting company time.
I get it before you even type it I understand Google isn’t short on money and the time portion won’t effect them but has the employees protested while clocked out this would have been a less likely outcome and I also get it, “yeah they would have fired them anyway.” Sure believe what you want but it doesn’t take away that Google had the authority to fire while the employees were in their time no matter what they were protesting. If I did this at my job and was getting paid they would fire me as well.
- Comment on But how would they be able to live on that? 10 months ago:
I always find it interesting is that the mentality or analogy used is cost of living when infact some billionaires/millionaires have stated they wouldn’t have an issue paying more in taxes. The problem is they just don’t have to and if they don’t have to then they just shrug.
It’s really an issue with the common person as well some people thoroughly believe they shouldn’t have to because they worked long and hard for that money while others, those very rich people, argue that putting them in a higher tax bracket or adjusting the tax they pay on a higher percentage within that bracket is just, “unfair.” Conservatism at it’s finest. I am not really sure what it is with the right wing and people about complaining on paying taxes until it is brought up that, “hey we could make those who make a whole lot more pay a whole lot more cutting what you pay down some.” Then they are up in arms. You either want someone to pay more so you pay less or you just don’t want to pay taxes at all if those involved are “hard working rich people.” But hey, instead let’s complain about how people just don’t want to work anymore or about how young folk just don’t understand the good ole days and how you had to work overtime on jobs with poor safety and life quality issues that forced more work out of you for less. Yeah you are right don’t understand that and how it was legal and why it should be happening now. Why would someone younger feel inclined to pay less and work more. It’s called we aren’t interested in making the same mistakes those same old folk now should have been up in arms about years ago. But then you are met with, "well those were just different times. " Oh, gotcha sooo we should fix it now?
Then there is also a complete misunderstanding of how taxes and the economy works in general. If you genuinely think Biden and one person in office has complete control over the economy I think you also need to consider getting a therapist because you know zero about the way the world functions.
Tax the rich higher. Elon doesn’t give a shit about your hard work and your crop fields or corn dying because the world is getting hotter. So why in the absolute fuck should you give a damn as to whether he pays more money every year to help the rest of the world out. If you are the person who thinks it is silly to do so then please for the love of God leave the rest of us alone that want someone to pay more for you because in the end it should be done.
- Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year ago:
The problem
isn’tis price.“People just don’t want to pay for a bad their software is bloated with useless shit and endlessly annoying experience. What Apple Music and Spotify have in common is that user-hostile design. Plus Steve Jobs himself said it back in 2007: “people want to Own their music (” Having it, organizing it, curating it is half the fun.” - Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year ago:
I was going to say that this is where I disagreed with the OP. It is 100% about price and has absolutely nothing to do with bloat or hostile design. As I wouldn’t consider Spotify’s design or Apple Music’s design choice bad. If anything they are popular because of their design choice.
If people cared about bloat they wouldn’t be on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. The rest of the consuming world lives in a pretty concerning place financially. Anyone who thinks it has to do with the design of the apps is either missing the point and not looking at the rest of the shit going on in the world or blatantly wants to believe Apple bad and FOSS good and I have found that to be a part of what I call the Lemmy mentality.
- Comment on Headlines be like 1 year ago:
Honestly, because diamonds are just cliché, over priced and over made meaning that don’t have a real high value and all the other gemstones have gone so unloved over the years. I mean, as a 28 year old man I fucking love my emerald earrings. Ruby ones as well for that matter. Fucked diamonds my dudes puts some color in the bling.
I am wearing opal right now. Diamond are just kind of meh.
- Comment on Dear server admins, please defederate Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate 1 year ago:
Elitism: the advocacy or existence of an elite as a dominating element in a system or society.
What you just described is exactly how elitism works. I understand the hate for Facebook and all of Meta’s products. However, this is exactly how gate keeping starts. I don’t want to see the fediverse go anywhere more than the next person but it becomes contradicting and hypocritical to the entire establishment of the fediverse if Lemmy or other federated apps begin to decide who can and can’t be federated. That is the whole image right? To prevent gate keeping and to establish that not one person owns any one portion of Lemmy, Mastodon, etc. However, what happens when an entity on Lemmy does start deciding to defederate a Conglomerate starts making decisions just like Facebook? The does Lemmy not start fitting the bill of not being able to tolerate the intolerance as well? To me that becomes elitism the very thing Lemmy users swear is a perfect system.
I don’t believe Meta is good for anyone or anything but Lemmy users need to understand that you can’t say, “we are different.” And then justifying the very contradiction of being exactly the same by just saying, “Facebook takes freedom.” I don’t like Facebook infact fuck them but either Lemmy users admit they need to play the game like Facebook and that someone controls who is a part of content and who isn’t or they don’t. Just stop trying to find ways that this would be “different” just fucking say, “we want to control the content that is on the platform and who can be a part of it.” Because now you are playing the Meta game on their own terf. Just tired of Lemmy users thinking they are special.
- Comment on We need to stop attempts to normalize grind/hustle lifestyle 1 year ago:
Half the world with a poverty issue would probably tell you they aren’t happy.
- Comment on Discord users are cancelling their Nitro after new mobile layout update 1 year ago:
One Google search on Dextero and I will pass one using it as a source of information.
- Comment on Discord users are cancelling their Nitro after new mobile layout update 1 year ago:
Make it 70. I am a Nitro sub actually make it 40 I have 3 other friends that are as well. Well now technically 30 because I have an additional friend in Sweden who pays for it. I have fiber my friends and I stream games the higher streaming quality is worth it. I also use Vencord to add some additional features.
More people pay for things that I think are given credit for. I don’t mind spending money on a product I enjoy with my friends.
- Comment on I love purple. 1 year ago:
History is absolutely purple.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Nah, fuck Omegle.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Didn’t Omegle have issues with child porn.
“Genuine human connection.”
Look get the feeling of talking to people anonymously on the Internet but we aren’t going to turn to robots because a video service shut down.
Fuck platforms like Omegle. Until their are better ways of restricting behavior that harms minors on platforms like Omegle I will take this as an opportunity to say, “time to move one.”
- Comment on Google and major mobile carriers want Europe to regulate Apple's iMessage platform 1 year ago:
If this law passes they may very well have to.