- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 1 week ago:
Personally prefer sx-64, but breadbin is a close second.
- Comment on Mozilla is Introducing 'Terms of Use' to Firefox | Also about to go into effect is an updated privacy notice 1 week ago:
Any suggestions for mobile use on Android?
- Comment on After Musk gesture, activists project 'Heil' on Tesla plant 1 month ago:
Next: small decals with text “wankpanzer”, “Incel camino” or “cyberstuck” selling like hot cakes.
- Comment on Man-in-the-Middle PCB Unlocks HP Ink Cartridges 5 months ago:
Not that HP isn’t aware or not ticked off about this, mind. Recently they threatened to brick HP printers that use third-party cartridges if detected
Try that in EU.
I dare you. I double dare you.
<Jules Winnfield>What does ECCN look like?</Jules Winnfield> - Comment on If you bought a 3D printer for personal use, was it worth it? 6 months ago:
I print all kinds of usefull stuff.
Custom installation panel for after market navigator/media center for my car, upholstery fasteners for the same, custom panels for usb button box, cable organizers for lan cabling, newspaper reading stand, you name it.
Might not be financially feasible, but it’s fun. - Comment on Top Russian economist dies after falling out of window 7 months ago:
They just have to add some flourish.
Falling from the basement window on 6 bullets someone accidentaly dropped on the ground while shooting themselves 3 times to the back of the head with hands tied behind their back after totally by accident splashing novichok on their undies. - Comment on Slack has been scanning your messages to train its AI models 9 months ago:
Sounds like 'murrica.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Obligatory “Way ahead of you” post.
- Comment on A tiny radioactive battery could keep your future phone running for 50 years 1 year ago:
Bollocks. Nokia 800 tough, 2660 flip, 2720 flip, 225 4g, 6300 4g, 8000 4g - just from one manufacturer, and there’s plenty of others.
- Comment on A tiny radioactive battery could keep your future phone running for 50 years 1 year ago:
Not all phones are smartphones. Theres still plenty of use cases for call/sms only phones.
- Comment on Debunking The "Dirty" Solar Panels And Battery Myth 1 year ago:
In small scale old truck/semi batteries are pretty good energy storage solution. Not good enough for round the year use in transportation, but quite usefull in small scale energy storage. (I have a set of 10 attached to solar panels at summer cottage. Enough to run 12V lighting, fridge, fans and tv through the (short) night).
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, whippersnapper.
- Comment on Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million PCs to landfills: Report - CNA 1 year ago:
Setup.exe /product server ;) Not a magic bullet, but helps in many cases. You have to use older ISO, thou.
- Comment on Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million PCs to landfills: Report - CNA 1 year ago:
I still do monthly service checks to industrial computers that use win3.11, 2000 and unix from early 90’s. When machines that costs even up to million to replace require legacy os, you scrounge up older hardware to run them as long as you can.
- Comment on Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million PCs to landfills: Report - CNA 1 year ago:
Many companies I work with either sell their old workstations for pittance to their employees after we have nuked the drives or donate them to projects that provide laptops to students or refugees who can’t afford them.
But many companies lease their hardware nowadays, so those end up to landfill or to companies that refurb them and sell them for profit. - Comment on Windows 10 end of life could prompt torrent of e-waste as 240 million devices set for scrapheap 1 year ago:
Nah. Google decides to ban your account for whatever reason, and your files and mails are gone, and you can’t even login to your computer. Linux is just as easy as windows nowadays, and in some cases even better for gaming.
- Comment on Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles 1 year ago:
Miniatyrize ultrasound part, make it communicare with those glucose sensors that are placed on shoulder, make it portable enough and Presto! Artificial pancreas.
- Comment on HP Smart app mysteriously appears on non-HP Windows PCs | Microsoft is investigating 1 year ago:
And they can’t even dig that tit from their shirt properly. They can deliver managed enterprise printers quickly, but getting necessary onboarding info requires kidnapping a product manager and removing few fingers…
- Comment on HP fails to derail claims that it bricks scanners on multifunction printers when ink runs low 1 year ago:
Old Laserjet III and Jetdirect 500x. Can’t go much dumber than that.