- Comment on Motherboard swap! 4 months ago:
Now i’m curious. Was it just a lot of dust and dried Inc. or what else was in them?
- Comment on Motherboard swap! 4 months ago:
Instructions unclear, I’ve given the whole printer a bath and now all it does is blow bubbles
- Comment on Motherboard swap! 4 months ago:
Thank you! I’ll take a peak at it!
- Comment on Motherboard swap! 4 months ago:
Thank you! Its the perfect size for things like this
- Comment on Motherboard swap! 4 months ago:
I appreciate the info! I’ll be honest, I understand wiring and hardware but I get out of my depth once we start getting into firmware and software.
I’m thanking my lucky stars that Octoprint was as easy as it was. That being said, if that open source ams makes any progress, I might just reach out since it seems like klipper is the only thing it’ll work with. If you don’t mind, I may reach out when I get the courage up to give it a shot.
- Comment on Motherboard swap! 4 months ago:
I appreciate your confidence in me, but I don’t think up for trying to learn how to deal with it. I don’t do well with troubleshooting firmware/software when things go tits up
- Comment on Motherboard swap! 4 months ago:
Thank you!
I have a pi 4b running octoprint hooked up. Is there any advantage to going the klipper route?
In theory it shouldn’t mater if i use 4.2.2 firmware on the 4.2.7 board right?
- Submitted 4 months ago to 3dprinting@lemmy.world | 19 comments
- Comment on Clogged nozzle? 5 months ago:
It looks like my perimeter speed is 40 mms and my infill is 50mms
- Comment on Clogged nozzle? 5 months ago:
Thank you for the tip! I just checked, it looks like it was disabled so that wasn’t my issue. I wonder why it was causing you issues though
- Comment on Clogged nozzle? 5 months ago:
It is PETG. That’s good to know. I’ve got a few more prints on the docket so switch to gyroid and see how that goes. Thanks for the tip!
- Comment on Clogged nozzle? 5 months ago:
I’ll have to go back and look at the slicer settings, but I can tell you the info is much faster than the wall just watching it go. Would you recommend upping the flow rate or my better to slow down the printhead speed?
- Comment on Clogged nozzle? 5 months ago:
Good call I’ll have to take a look. I wish I could’ve copied the profile from the Creality slicer into Prusa Slicer, but creality keeps crashing.
- Comment on Clogged nozzle? 5 months ago:
Thanks for the other tips. I’ve tried a cold pole with the last filament to see if we could get anything out of there and I think we should be good, but you never really know.
As far as the rest of it, it seems to be happening with every filament I slice in Prusa slicer.
This was a brand new filament I had opened from Micro Center, it’s just their generic inland filament and it looks like the humidity in my dry box is about 16% after running it through my dryer. Maybe it’s too dry lol.
To be honest, I didn’t think about replacing the nozzle that’s probably a good idea. I got this printer from an auction site used so I can only imagine it’s the original nozzle from who knows how long ago
- Submitted 5 months ago to 3dprinting@lemmy.world | 13 comments
- Comment on Thank you! 5 months ago:
I’m considering an a change at point as well. The v2 has been great but finicky is a perfect description. Any reason you were thinking Bambo Labs instead of a Prusa?
- Comment on Thank you! 5 months ago:
Of course! This should be the original link. I think my issue was slightly different, but hopefully this helps. My stepper motors were over heating and skipping steps. If it looks like that might solve your issue, this article helped with my ender 3
Thank you! I appreciate it!
- Submitted 5 months ago to 3dprinting@lemmy.world | 5 comments
- Comment on What interesting things can I do with my home WiFi network? 5 months ago:
Thank you!
- Comment on What interesting things can I do with my home WiFi network? 5 months ago:
Damn does this mean I have to buy another raspberry pi or can the one running octoprint serve double duty?
- Comment on If you bought a 3D printer for personal use, was it worth it? 6 months ago:
Yes, I just finished printing a rudder core for my sailboat.
For all the headache its caused, its also saved me from several trips to the store to find cable ties, chip clips, a hair dryer holder, pencil cups, spice racks, etc.
- Comment on What 2D printers do 3D printer people prefer? 1 year ago:
I have a Espon ET-5150. Its worked fine so far but I wish my wife would’ve let me spring for a laser printer.
- Submitted 1 year ago to 3dprinting@lemmy.world | 36 comments
- Comment on How? 1 year ago:
Thank you for the tip! I’ll look into those for sure. It sounds like they would be a perfect fit with very little downside
- Comment on How? 1 year ago:
Thank you! I gave it a clean and fingers crossed it works put tomorrow when I’ve got some more time to mess with a test print
- Comment on How? 1 year ago:
Thank you! Unfortunately i didnt get a cool spaghetti monster this time, but I like the idea of keeping them to see how far youve come
- Comment on How? 1 year ago:
Thank you! I that makes me feel better about leaving it print while I’m at work
- Comment on How? 1 year ago:
Thank you! I’d rather deal with a contaminated print than a fire
- Comment on Christmas buying advice? 1 year ago:
That’s fair. More accurately a different reputable brand. Prusa and Bamboo Labs are both ones I would look at if I had to do it all over again.
- Comment on How? 1 year ago:
Good to know. I’ll add that to a check list to go through every now and again