- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
I had a high school teacher who used to say there are two types of people those who have hemorrhoids and those who will get them. Take your time on the toilet.
- Comment on Did UCLA Just Cure Baldness? 3 weeks ago:
Same here, I had white boy dreads until one day you realize it looks better to cut it all off then trying to make it look like something it’s not.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
Can you really trust airplane mode to ensure there is nothing going out. I agree people should just leave them at home, but these bags are like putting tape over your laptop camera. Just an extra peace of mind when going to the Dr.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
Looks like everyone should be getting these bags
- Comment on Steam players no longer require a Microsoft Account to play multiplayer 5 months ago:
This has been the one thing from keeping me from getting this game.
- Comment on How a Child Got 65 Years for a Murder the Police Committed: lawyer explains broken US justice system 5 months ago:
Why is this law not being applied to the Jan 6 treasonists. People were killed they should all be tried for it.
- Comment on Microsoft’s controversial Windows Recall feature is coming back in October 6 months ago:
I am running Kubuntu on mine
- Comment on Roblox gets banned indefinitely in Turkey over “child exploitation” 6 months ago:
So this sounds like a parent problem.
- Comment on Roblox gets banned indefinitely in Turkey over “child exploitation” 6 months ago:
Well none of these sources tell me how the kids are forced into this. All these services are free, so I still don’t see the exploitation. Are you saying the kids are tricked into making games for Roblox, if so then maybe that’s on the parents. As a software engineer and having kids who played Roblox their entire lives, I still can’t make the leap of exploitive practices over just capitalism. Maybe show me another platform that kids can learn how the basics of game design while hosting the game at the same time.
- Comment on Roblox gets banned indefinitely in Turkey over “child exploitation” 6 months ago:
Can someone tell me how the kids are being forced to make video games. I have read several of these articles and can’t understand the logic. My kids played Roblox and created games on the platform they were never forced or coerced to make anything. Maybe it’s our messed up capitalistic society that expects everybody to monetize anything that’s fun.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Don’t even try and format code with markdown, now you have to make a post with a title.
- Comment on If hot air rises, why is it colder at the top of a mountain? 11 months ago:
Here is a great visual representation
- Comment on RIMJOBS 11 months ago:
Did it cause Sepsis?
- Comment on Republican senator renews push to make daylight savings permanent 11 months ago:
So we can be 8 hours difference from India instead of 8 and a half.
- Comment on Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies 11 months ago:
Actually you can find many videos on YouTube that show how to disable the OnStar transmitter and you can always wrap those internal antennae in foil.
- Comment on Got a Ring doorbell? Expect a 43% increase in annual subscription 1 year ago:
You can roll your own, using raspberry pi’s and usb cameras, and home assistant if you want a fully automated house. This solution is not for the average consumer, so you would have to read a lot and be comfortable installing Linux.
- Comment on Peter Dutton calls for boycott of Woolworths after Australia Day merchandise dropped 1 year ago:
TIL Woolworth’s are still around in Australia. I can’t remember the last time I went into a Woolworths here in the states.
- Comment on Followup on the vehicle "kill switch" mandated by the Infrastructure Bill 1 year ago:
I’m not sure about the interoperability between GM cars and OnStar, but almost every other car it can be disabled by removing the three plugs in the OnStar box. Here’s an article on how to do it.
- Comment on Followup on the vehicle "kill switch" mandated by the Infrastructure Bill 1 year ago:
You know you can disable that with some foil. Wrap the On star module in it and it can’t send any signals.That’s assuming you don’t use the OnStar.
- Comment on Tesla claims California false-advertising law violates First Amendment 1 year ago:
Oh interesting I didn’t realize they were able to view the driver while your driving.
- Comment on CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens hand out medical records to cops without warrants 1 year ago:
Is that without a warrant? It wouldn’t be hard to impersonate a cop or even a cop with a grudge against someone to come find out what medications they are taking to dig further into someone’s lives and ruin said life.
- Comment on CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens hand out medical records to cops without warrants 1 year ago:
People don’t sue as much as you think, we don’t have the money for lawyers.
- Comment on Tesla claims California false-advertising law violates First Amendment 1 year ago:
How does the car know where your looking? Don’t you have your hands on the steering wheel? I have a lane keep assist feature in my car and it has you take the wheel every 15 secs if it hasn’t felt your hand weight on the wheel.
- Comment on OpenAI says it is investigating reports ChatGPT has become ‘lazy’ 1 year ago:
My partner is a CompSci teacher and have been training a local llm in her class. As soon as they named their AI it started producing all these weird emotes with every answer, it became super annoying to where it would rather make up stuff than say I don’t know that answer. It was definitely an eye opener for the kids.
- Comment on Fear of cheap Chinese EVs spurs automaker dash for affordable cars 1 year ago:
- Comment on Thomas 🔭✨ ( 23andMe just sent out an email trying to trick customers into accepting a TOS change that will prevent you from suing them after they literally lost your genome 1 year ago:
The average person is scared of massive lawyer fees trying to defend against any law suit.
- Comment on A bride to be discovers a reality bending mistake in Apple's computational photography 1 year ago:
Thank you for saying this. If you have ever shot a panoramic shot you know how steady you need to keep it on the line, otherwise you get a lot of weird things like this, not to mention if your moving while it’s happening.
- Comment on If other countries can afford massive internet pysops why can't I find a job in the states where I get to meme and troll all day for the US military? 1 year ago:
You need to join the military and go to this school.
- Comment on The death of ownership: Companies are taking away your ability to actually own the stuff you buy 1 year ago:
I also but vinyl and it smells delicious.
- Comment on I hope you enjoy ads we have to make our $69B back 1 year ago:
After the red rings of death, never again.