- Comment on GoneWild was once about people feeling wild and posting pictures of it. Now it's just OnlyFans sale 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Tech's Dumbest Mistake: Why Firing Programmers for AI Will Destroy Everything 3 weeks ago:
Oh, it is for sure more likely.
- Comment on Tech's Dumbest Mistake: Why Firing Programmers for AI Will Destroy Everything 3 weeks ago:
Or the picture is a statement for why artists shouldn’t be replaced either. Who can tell.
- Comment on “I am still alive”: Users say T-Mobile must pay for killing “lifetime” price lock 4 months ago:
One of the companies making GPS navigators for cars used to advertise lifetime map updates. Small print: lifetime of the device, two years after release
- Comment on Civilization 7 dev on Ages system and series shakeup: "It's going to be the hardest thing for fans to get adjusted to" 6 months ago:
Sadly your average person just doesn’t care about consumer rights, in any matter.
I learned my lesson about malicious DRM when Starforce broke my new computer’s DVD drive back in the day. Fortunately it was still under warranty so I had it fixed, but sucked all the same.
- Comment on Amazon's Silent Sacking 1 year ago:
This takes me back to the era when every other online store was selling DVD-gramophones.
- Comment on Does the rest of the English speaking world generally understand what an American means when they say "soccer", or does it help to clarify by adding "football"? 1 year ago:
I debated whether I should say NA or American, but I figured I don’t know what Canadians use, so there we go. Anyway, nice to see that debate is still alive and healthy. I gave up on it ~20 or so years ago. Writing unitedstatesman was exhausting after a while :)
- Comment on Does the rest of the English speaking world generally understand what an American means when they say "soccer", or does it help to clarify by adding "football"? 1 year ago:
Not a native English speaker, but my hunch is, soccer will almost certainly be understood. Also it will identify you as American.
- Comment on WhatsApp head Will Cathcart says the chat app could introduce ads in Status 1 year ago:
Critical mass. When it has been the default way to message anyone and everyone for over a decade, it’s pretty difficult to start converting everyone and their literal grandmother to start adopting something else. I understand it doesn’t enjoy quite the same status in the US though.
- Comment on plaine 1 year ago:
You’re reading it a bit more literally than it was intended. “Flying sardine can to the Canaries” being the gist I was going for.
- Comment on plaine 1 year ago:
I was on it just this Tuesday…
- Comment on 6/10 1 year ago:
Culture plays into it too. For example here in Finland, school grades are from 4 (failed) to 10, and that ends up skewing how you see any scale from 1 to 10.
As a bit of trivia, originally there were grades lower than 4, but at some point it was decided it wasn’t necessary to determine just how badly you failed. Knowing that you did should be enough. So all the failing grades were bundled up into one, which ended up being the previously highest failing grade.