- Comment on Undocumented 'Backdoor' Found In Chinese Bluetooth Chip Used By a Billion Devices. 1 day ago:
Yeah one of my more… tech adventurous friends had the most insane series of security breaches (to out it mildly) potentially related to this and some other recent ridiculousness.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 2 weeks ago:
I think one of the more important things you can get across to him is this:
Porn is fine, but it’s fiction. It’s no more real or realitic than the latest superhero blockbuster, and should be thought of that way. It’s entertainment, not education.
There are sex ed channels on Youtube. Good ones. Sexplanations is one, but there are also others. Seek those out.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
I feel like probably the biggest UX improvement Lemmy, and the fediverse more widely, could do is to make user migration more seamless. I’m thinking federated SSO, basically, where once you have an account anywhere on the fediverse you should a) be able to use that account anywhere else in the fediverse and b) move where that account is hoested to anywhere else in the fediverse.
I believe this is related to whatever the hell ActivityPod is doing? Feel free to correct me on that. Regardless, get something like this in place as well as better instance and services discovery (and maybe the ability to find your other connected services from you ‘account’ pages on whatever service you’re on) and I think people might start to think of fediverse as less ‘an alternative’ and more ‘the better one’.
Basically, we need standard protocols for user data management, transfer, credentials management, and service and instance discovery. I’m sure some of that exists, the important thing will be to streamline and standardise the actual UX.
- Comment on Events are occurring! 3 weeks ago:
The neutrinos… they’re evolving!
- Comment on Football Manager 25 cancelled, as Sega shifts focus to FM26 4 weeks ago:
SI just isn’t, or at least hasn’t been, set up to do this kindnpf step-change development. It’s been streamlined essentially since the split from the Championship Manager series to operate on an iterate-on-what-we-have basis with overlapping one-, two-, and three-year dev cycles geared toward developing annual refreshes of essentially the same game.
Everything from the dev cycle through AA, marketing, publishing, and even licensing is based on that fundamental structure. But that’s a model with an expiry date, and the kind of complete refresh they are currently attempting has been sorely needed for years already.
But they should have just announced a hiatus year at the start to get this done. They were never going to be able to do this within their regular annual cycle.
- Comment on New vaccine from MIT and Caltech could prevent future coronavirus outbreaks 1 month ago:
Thing is, (successful) mutation rate is just a statistical probability rising to inevitability following from a virus’ replication rate. Pure numbers game. The only way to stop it is to prevent the virus from replicating to numbers large enough that you never reach that inevitability threshold, AND with wide enough immunity in the herd that even across the entire potential base of infection it can’t get there.
And with the coronavirus causing covid-19, by far the most infectious natural disease known and that happens to rely almost entirely on an insane replication rate in the mucosal immune system, you would need a vaccine that is delivered via the airways and you need to somehow completely reverse half s decade (plus) of reactionary brainfucking across most of western society.
Good luck. (No seriously, I wish you all the luck in the world cos this virus sucks ass and we need to make it gone somehow)
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
If he gets caught (hope he doesn’t), I hope he gers prosecuted, pleads self defense, and wins.
Because let’s be honest, this is 100% a case of community self defense.
- Comment on Football Manager's "biggest technical advancement for a generation" arrives November, but lower your expectations 5 months ago:
This has been a necessary step for over a decade, honestly. Hoping it goes well.
- Comment on what is with child names like Aiden, Braiden etc? 7 months ago:
So I’m guessing it’s a combination of dun/den/tun etc being a common suffix in a lot of hustorical languages, and ‘ei’ being an extremely common diphthong worldwide just… leading to a lot of similar-sounding names that also converge in spelling in modern English?
- Comment on Could We Build a Decentralised Social Platform Rooted in Place? 10 months ago:
I live in the UK, but am from Norway. I know a few librarians though, and I know that community libraries are usually (or at least often) interested in projects that can connect their communities and help them with outreach. Something like this certainly could do that, and with libraries existing in most communities there is a built in network for broader proliferation there.
I’m also just very keen on the idea of libraries having a central role to play in the future of the broader fediverse ecosystem.
- Comment on Could We Build a Decentralised Social Platform Rooted in Place? 10 months ago:
Loving this concept. May I make a suggestion? Show this to and discuss this with your local library. That strikes me as a good potential partner, and a model that can be replicated in most places to potentially help with everything from hosting to community resources access.
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
Gonna ignore all context for the purposes of answering / contributing to a discussion of a kinda valid underlying question:
There is a disconnect between moderation and membership in an ostensibly democratic social media structure. How could that gap be bridged?
The way I see it, this is basically the representation vs delegation debate, though here it is arguable whether there is even representation. From this perspective, you can draw on a couple of hundred years of theory and practice to arrive at potential structures.
For example, you could have a system where members of a community mark themselves as willing to moderate it, and all members select a willing delegate essentially their ‘moderating power’ to. Mods are then selected by number of delegations, which would be a fluid process because users can redistribute their ‘votes’ at any time. This would make mods immediately answerable to the members.
To make the system less vulnerable to highjacking you would probably need some kind of delay in there so that you wouldn’t suddenly get a mass influx of new users delegating to the same mods to take over the community, and there would likely need to be other measures in place as well. But ot would certainly be a neat experiment!