- Comment on The PS2 turns 25 years old today. Crazy, right? Perfect day for revisiting some classics. What are some of your favourite PS2 games? 4 days ago:
Oh that sucks. I only had this problem with a Dualshock 1 a while ago, my Dualshock 2s thankfully never got into that state. Maybe it has something to do with how they’re stored? Anyway, you can always replace the thumbsticks if cleaning doesn’t help.
- Comment on The PS2 turns 25 years old today. Crazy, right? Perfect day for revisiting some classics. What are some of your favourite PS2 games? 4 days ago:
oh definitely. Games just felt differently back then. It was rarer for games to hold your hand, too. Not to say that that was always a good thing, sometimes it was quite annoying I guess, but maybe it was part of the reason games felt different. Combined with having to find stuff out on your own, you literally were on your own, yeah.
There are many things though that make this era of gaming special, this one is just something I often think of.
- The PS2 turns 25 years old today. Crazy, right? Perfect day for revisiting some classics. What are some of your favourite PS2 games?lemmy.world ↗Submitted 4 days ago to retrogaming@lemmy.world | 75 comments
- Comment on Mario Kate update 2 months ago:
I actually like that left-right motion. It means that its harder to drift and get a speed boost. Not just holding a button like in most other MK games. I imagine its better on a dpad than an analog stick though, so I guess its still good that they moved away from it.
- Comment on Based on true events 5 months ago:
Yeah, actually starting and going through with it is half the work
- Comment on Day 53 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 5 months ago:
What a coincidence. Just yesterday I saw a video about how Mario Galaxy works from a technical perspective, and water was one of the topics.
As it turns out, the water effect was done by manipulating the floor texture with a noise pattern to make it squiggly, and then putting a transparent layer above. It looks pretty good and doesn’t need much processing power.
I just thought that was interesting.
- Comment on Super Mario Sunshine’s Biggest Mod Now Ready for Download 6 months ago:
Awesome to hear that it works on real hardware. It’s so cool to play new mods on decades old consoles.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 6 months ago:
This is really interesting, thanks for your insight. I don’t really know a lot about cars, but maybe I’ll give it another try one day. I will definitely keep this in mind :)
- Comment on Gamecube, PS2 and Wii just chilling in the evening sun. This picture just kinda happened, I thought you would appreciate it too. 6 months ago:
Absolutely. The Wii U modding community is really active, I feel like there’s something new every few months. I love it!
- Comment on Gamecube, PS2 and Wii just chilling in the evening sun. This picture just kinda happened, I thought you would appreciate it too. 6 months ago:
And that’s fine too, I think. This is what gave the Wii the perfect backwards compatibility, allowing many more people to enjoy Gamecube games on original hardware without getting a Gamecube, which are way more expensive today.
And you know, the Wii is like a beast when it comes to sub HD stuff. It’s the most powerful console that ever released that wasn’t designed with HD TVs in mind. That lead to many Wii games just looking really damn good and clean. Seriously, Mario Galaxy on a CRT in RGB looks absolutely stunning.
But maybe they did go to far trying the same thing again with the Wii U.
- Comment on Gamecube, PS2 and Wii just chilling in the evening sun. This picture just kinda happened, I thought you would appreciate it too. 6 months ago:
Right? It feels like gaming peaked with the 6th console generation. Just a fun time to look back at.
- Comment on Gamecube, PS2 and Wii just chilling in the evening sun. This picture just kinda happened, I thought you would appreciate it too. 6 months ago:
Yeah, having some evening sun shine into a room just gives it a great vibe. I just wish it wasn’t 29°C in here
Anyway, thanks for commenting as well!
- Comment on Gamecube, PS2 and Wii just chilling in the evening sun. This picture just kinda happened, I thought you would appreciate it too. 6 months ago:
That VCR is from my parents, they don’t use it anymore. I don’t really have any tapes for it though.
We had the first 3 Star Wars movies on VHS, which was the reason I set the thing up. Unfortunately, these tapes have somehow disappeared completely, they are nowhere to be found.
So it’s just decoration for now, but I’ll definitley get some other movies one day. Thank you for your comment!
- Comment on Gamecube, PS2 and Wii just chilling in the evening sun. This picture just kinda happened, I thought you would appreciate it too. 6 months ago:
Haha true, but only dust for me, no pets. I guess having carpet doesn’t help either. Let’s just say that it adds to the vibe.
- Gamecube, PS2 and Wii just chilling in the evening sun. This picture just kinda happened, I thought you would appreciate it too.lemmy.world ↗Submitted 6 months ago to retrogaming@lemmy.world | 15 comments
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 6 months ago:
Thank you for your tips. I do remember reading the forums, but never getting the point of it. Maybe I should set my game to English instead of German, the translation for the latter is very weird.
I also had the problem of finding rivals during the night that I just couldn’t beat, because they were way faster than I was. And that was the case even after upgrading every part of my car. Maybe I just made the wrong choice for the first car? Which one did you start with?
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 6 months ago:
Man, I would have never expected so see someone talking about Kaido Racer here. I tried that game about 2 years ago, but never got far. I only ever had the first track to play, since I never beat the right enemies to unlock the other ones. I probably should give it another go, it seems pretty well made even if the translation is a bit funky haha.
What about you? How far are you currently?
- Comment on Finally got this after two months of waiting! A bit uncomfortable and heats up easily, but it's still great to have a retro handheld of my own. 6 months ago:
Micro Mages, let’s go! This is such a cool game, it’s always great to see people online play it on anything but a PC. I for myself played it on a modded Wii on a CRT. I love how everyone plays this game differently.
Anyway, nice little emulation console you got there too, glad it worked out with the custom firmware as well. Enjoy!
- Comment on Looking for games that feel like a summer adventure 7 months ago:
Maybe the Yo-Kai Watch games? They are RPGs probably inspired by Pokemon, but better in basically every way.
You play as a kid befriending Yo-Kai (creatures taken from japanese folklore), while exploring a pretty cool city. Has a nice soundtrack as well. The story of the first game is kinda meh, but I think it still has that summer vibe.
The second game is a lot better, with an actual story, more stuff to do and more to explore. Definitely the better game, but playing it first might make the first one less enjoyable afterwards.
Both of these games have that childhood summer adventure vibe, even though I myself didn’t spent my childhood befriending Yo-Kai.
- Comment on Introducing PCSX2 2.0! 7 months ago:
Awesome. Just read through the whole page, seems like they made some big changes. Very nice!
- Comment on The Nintendo Satellaview Rare Promo VHS Has Been Restored | Retro Gaming News 24/7 7 months ago:
This is sick, definitely gonna check that out later. The Satellaview is such a cool device, kinda retro futuristic. The idea of using satellites seems crazy today. What a shame it never released outside Japan. I guess making such a service work in other countries would have been really expensive.
- Comment on How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going? 7 months ago:
Oh man, I really have to play Superstar Saga again. Started it in 2019 when I got a GBA for the first time, but every time I took a break from the game it was larger than the one before. That’s kinda weird too, since I remember the game quite good.
Anyway, I always forgot the button combinations for the different attack moves. I somehow still made it to the final boss but never beat it, because at that point I just forgot basically everything. Really one of my weirdest playthroughs. Definitely have to check that game out again, thanks for reminding me about it. Good luck with your playthrough!
- Comment on 'SuperSega' FPGA Console Will Play Genesis/Mega Drive, Master System, Saturn And Dreamcast Games | Time Extension 8 months ago:
This basically sounds too good to be true. Making an FPGA core for 1 console is already a challenge, but making a new console that uses multiple cores and plays hundreds of games perfectly? Not gonna be easy.
Especially since they also want to add many more hardware features. The disc drive in particular stands out. I really wonder how they are planning to make all of this work. It’s like they want to recreate the hardware accurately but also add features.
Will the FPGA core be less accurate because of this? Or will it emulate the real hardware perfectly with these extra features added by another chip? Probably the latter, but I’m really looking forward how this is gonna work out nonetheless.
Definitely an interesting project.
- Comment on Finally my old saves are backed up! 8 months ago:
Nice that you finally got one!
I am also thinking about buying one, but I’m hoping they’ll do a clear blue version like they did for the PS1. I currently have 2 clear blue official memory cards in my PS2 and really like the look, so it would be cool if I could keep that color scheme.
- Comment on Favourite controllers 9 months ago:
The Wii U Pro controller in general was great. Best battery life I have ever seen on a controller. Great dpad thats clicky but still uses membranes so it’s still a bit softer than the one in the DSi or New 3DS systems. The sticks were incredibly smooth too for some reason. I would use it more today if it wasn’t for the lack of gyro, which is a dealbreaker for many games for me.
- Comment on The PlayStation 2 9 months ago:
Were you a dev back in the day that’s still mad at sony for not telling you by any chance? Just curious, because you seem like you have quite the problem with Sony not telling devs about the differences of a devkit.
- Comment on The PlayStation 2 9 months ago:
That dev kits were more powerful? I looked it up and wasn’t able to find anything about that. Besides that, things like having more RAM is not uncommon on devkits if you mean that.
- Comment on The PlayStation 2 9 months ago:
I love the PS2. Many great games, played a lot of Lego Star Wars II on it. I still play on mine every few days, it’s a great system. Games today aren’t like this anymore.
- Comment on The PlayStation 2 9 months ago:
It wasn’t as underpowered as many people think. I know it’s easy to go like “yeah the cpus clockspeed is like 50% lower than the gamecubes and half as slow as the one in the xbox”, but really that’s just half of the story. The Emotion Engine was quite powerful in the right hands, you just needed to know how to fully use it, including the 2 vector units. There are enough games out there that show the PS2s full potential. The problem is that a lot of the earlier games didn’t really fully utilize the EE.
- Comment on The PlayStation 2 9 months ago:
Man, TimeSplitters 2 is the goat. Still play it every now and then. Some levels weren’t that great, but the characters, multiplayer aspect and just the overall “goofyness” of the game really make it stand out