- Comment on I never realized this 2 months ago:
In Germany the current government had the idea (but never follow through on it) to allow a married couple to form a new last name based on their last names. Funnily enough the article mentions that this meshing of names is already possible and getting more popular in the USA and Great Britain.
- Comment on Garage is an open source S3-compatible object storage cluster designed for self hosting 7 months ago:
Has anyone tried it? I am thinking about using it on some Raspberry Pi 5.
- Comment on What's a good budget home server? 10 months ago:
Are you just starting out? I got started with home labbing with a Raspberry Pi 2B (1GB RAM!) and an external HDD I had lying around. I host Yarr, Navidrome, backups and a dashboard app Ive written on there and I am quite satisfied. I would really recommend starting small with hardware you already have and then buy new hardware as you go along. I am also using Tailscale. With this you can get your initial setup up and running in a day and save money if it turns out home labbing isnt for you or you dont really need the hardware.
- Comment on Do you host anything specific for tracking house plants and gardening? 11 months ago:
There is plant-it written in Java and HortusFox written in PHP. Both using MySQL. Is there anything available which is written in Go or Rust and uses SQLite?
- Comment on What you can recommend for first time? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Anyone knows a good lightweight self-hosted alternative to GitHub? 1 year ago:
Well thats what backups are for, but may be start with a mirror or with unimportant stuff for at least a year ;) Also proprietary service can delete your data, too. This happens especially when you are using the generous free tier and they decide to make more money. See Evernote, Gitlab, Heroku…
- Comment on Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002' 1 year ago:
Get a Steam Deck and use any Controller you want ;) (including the corresponding controller glyphs for many games)
- Comment on Replace Spotify 1 year ago:
It is also very resource efficient. I am running it on a Raspberry Pi 2 and it works flawlessly.
- Comment on Cost-cutting tips? 1 year ago:
- Use sqlite instead of Postgres, MariaDB
- Avoid enterprise software (Kubernetes, Elastic Search)
- Only use projects with efficient programming languages such as Go, Rust, etc.
- Try to run things bare metal
- Lookout for projects which name themself minimal or light-weight
I use a Raspberry Pi 2 to self host a Dashboard written in Rust (Axum), a RSS reader called yarr and a music streaming server Navidrome. The latter two are written in Go and very resource efficient. The electricity bill should be under a Euro a month (6.4W max power consumption).
- Comment on Where to find guide on self hosting for a complete beginner? 1 year ago:
I‘ve recently started using Tailscale for my home setup and I really can‘t recommend it enough. In my opinion it takes a lot of the dangers regarding IT security out of self hosting. Depending on who you ask it is not true self hosting, but I couldn’t care less :)
With Tailscale you can create a VPN for your devices including your phone and even expose services to the outside world with SSL already setup (havent tried that out, yet)
They have guides/tutorials for a lot of stuff (web server, Minecraft).
- Comment on Introducing lestat.org - Lemmy instance status monitor for all popular instances 1 year ago:
Cool service! Is the code open source?
- Comment on What are the best Independent Studios in your opinion 1 year ago:
Valve, by a far stretch. Also they support their games for a long time. Sadly they don’t make as much games as they could, because of the money printing machine that is Steam.
- Comment on What game feels 'timeless' to you? 1 year ago:
Definitely check out OpenGOAL. It is the best version to play right now (even better than the remasters for PS3/4). It is basically a native port for Windows and Linux.
- Comment on What game feels 'timeless' to you? 1 year ago:
Half life 1 also! May be the graphics are a bit dated, but for that is the Black Mesa verdion