- Comment on Is there an implemented system of automated trucks anywhere that is fully operational? 3 weeks ago:
Haul trucks in mines.
- Comment on what can I use to cushion my knee when exercising with it on the floor so it doesn't hurt? 3 months ago:
Swimming kickboard/flutter board?
- Comment on A court blocks a couple from suing Uber over a crash, citing terms and conditions 5 months ago:
Imagine hiring a taxi without having your lawyer review the terms and conditions, lol
- Comment on Do rotating plates in microwaves help when heating food? 5 months ago:
It makes the heating more even. The microwaves aren’t uniform inside so rotating helps even things out.
- Comment on If became the biggest in the fediverse with a user base that could rival Reddit. Would it become monetized? 6 months ago:
Isn’t the “user data” available for everyone to read already?
- Comment on Is everyone here leftist? 7 months ago:
Well, all the data is available for anyone on the internet to use as they please…
- Comment on Nintendo Switch Is Removing Integration for X, Formerly Twitter 9 months ago:
How much could a tweet cost? $10?
- Comment on Can I Use my Multimeter to Test How Much Power my Appliance (TV) is Using? 1 year ago:
Even this probably won’t result work though because you need to put the clamp around only one wire, not the entire power cable that has live, neutral, ground.
- Comment on Behold The Hyundai Uni Wheel. Transportation May Never Be The Same 1 year ago:
I think weight in the wheels is a huge downside of hub motors though? So this kinda takes a middle ground… Unsprung weight is still increased but not nearly as much.