- Comment on I still love those little buggers 1 week ago:
I absolutely love that book. It has brought back my enthusiasm for immunology, which had somewhat faded after a few years of studying.
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on God of War trilogy remaster announcement set for March 2025 2 weeks ago:
I’m with you most of the time, but at least in this case the games are older and they’re still releasing fantastic new installments in the series. (looking at you gta trilogy or whatever that hzd Remaster is)
- Comment on Indiana Jones was named after the state Indiana, which was named after American Indians, which were named after India, which was named after the Indus River, which was named for the word for river... 4 weeks ago:
That’s the miracle of waterproof phones
- Comment on Serving as the POTUS as a Non-Medical Intervention for Preventing Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (N=2) 4 months ago:
’ A p-value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant because that’s what everyone does and we don’t question tradition.’
I’m currently doing the same experiment over and over again to hopefully soon reach significance. This hits to close to home
- Comment on Bambu Lab A1: Why This 3D Printer Is The Perfect Choice For Beginners Looking To Start A Creative Project 4 months ago:
This reads like one big ad
- Comment on Why does my beard grow back faster after shaving? 5 months ago:
It said “We’re talking about beards not your dick.” So no more genius than a spambot
- Comment on That oscillated quickly. 7 months ago:
For a second I thought the thumbnail was a bad Jimmy Carr ai fake
- Comment on English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense 1 year ago:
I don’t know what you’re on about. It’s “die Waschmaschine” (washing machine, female), “das Waschmittel” (laundry detergent, neutral) and “der Trockner” (dryer, male).
Pretty self explanatory /s
- Comment on Languages without the letter U can't call it a U turn. 1 year ago:
Isn’t it more like a n-shaped turn?
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared For 100,000 Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700,000 1 year ago:
I think download ist ~97gb and after install it’s ~125gb