- Comment on The US Is Considering a TP-Link Router Ban—Should You Worry? 2 weeks ago:
There are so many people who just don’t get tech though. I was just at my buddy’s patents house, probably early 60s, and they have a random default SSID and password. It’s like 15 digits long. Secure as can be. If they really bothered to type that in on all their devices, I’m thinking they were probably incapable of changing it through the software.
- Comment on Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 3 • KONOSUBA -God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! 3 - Episode 6 discussion 9 months ago:
One of my favorite episodes so far this season! The comedy of drunk, over-confident Aqua combined with useless, fawning Megumin leaves poor Darkness trying to handle things solo. Second favorite bit was ol’ Kazuma ready to fall (literally) on the sword just to save face with Iris. And what a cute ending!
- Comment on How many of you browsing this community are system admins/hobbyist? 1 year ago:
Work in finance, but I have a degree in computer science! Been a hobbyist since my early teens running game servers and the like for my friends. Never persued tech professionally but it’s definitely helped a few times in my career. Just helped our web dev guy a week or so ago on getting our office’s public IP so he could block it from showing up in his analytics. For now I’m content running my home lab :)
- Comment on Internet providers say the FCC should not investigate broadband prices 1 year ago:
I mean that’s not really true. The new FTC chair literally got the position by writing a paper on why Amazon should be broken up, and has raised numerous cases to stop recent M&A activity. One Meta/FB acquisition of a VR company, the Microsoft Blizzard/Activision buyout, among others. They’ve been shut down a lot by the courts.
- Comment on How they got their names 1 year ago:
Why is there an added U in Iqueland?
- Comment on I wonder where police cars get their gasoline from? 1 year ago:
I think this is usually specifically for diesel fuel. Certain places have diesel fuel with red dye in it that is tax exempt. Any fuel you buy from a standard gas station has a good amount of tax baked into the price and it’s earmarked to go towards road and infrastructure repair. The thought process is, if you’re not using said vehicle on the road, you shouldn’t have to pay this tax.
So, they dye it red, sell it only at special places, and you get fined pretty heavily if you’re found using it in street vehicles. Typically it’s truckers that do it because most American cars (including cop cars) are not diesel. And I’ve never heard of this setup for regular gas.