Living offgrid in a campervan since 2018 w/ pibble+boxer Muffin.
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- Comment on Remembering multi-tasking in MS-DOS: DESQView 1 year ago:
I ran a FidoNet BBS back then on a 386-16 and 2400 baud modem. Woot! It would run WordPerfect 5.1 while people were logged on to the board but compiling brought it to its knees.
- Comment on ‘Archer’s’ Final Mission: Sterling and His Frenemies Sign Off After 142 Episodes of Awful Behavior. We Will Miss Them. 1 year ago:
H Jon Benjamin is a national treasure
PSA: Coach McGuirk in [Home Movies( is peak H Jon Benjamin
- Comment on **THE ROYAL HOTEL Discussion Megapost** 2023-10-06 🇦🇺 💼 1 year ago:
Wiki link goes elsewhere. But when I read the summary above it sounded a lot like Hotel Coolgardie. So I looked up the RH wiki article; yup, inspired on that doc.
- Comment on What are your defining memories of computing in the old days? 1 year ago:
In 8th (?) grade our larval computing lab was a row of Commodore 64 but there was only one 4.25" floppy drive between them. When you wanted to save or load your proglet you had to
- walk over to insert your floppy
- return to your seat to do your load/save
- walk back over to retrieve your floppy to free up the drive for someone else
At some point I realized that while the owner was walking back and forth you could load their code to see how they approached the assignment. And doing so did not affect their workflow or anyone else at all. It felt like the earth shifted a bit at that moment.
- Comment on [What is the best movie you watched last week?] 26 August 1 year ago:
Only saw one (Oppenheimer) so it must have been the best.