- Comment on Anotha one 3 months ago:
what dont you make. can you teach me everything 😂
- Comment on bought a gas dryer thinking we had a gas connection... is this it??? 6 months ago:
its like kinda open on the bottom so not all the way plugged? kinda the main reason its confused me tbh ive never seen an attachment like it in my life
- Submitted 6 months ago to [deleted] | 28 comments
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
$350? 😭 ive never had an electric bill above $150
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
on top of the advice others have given, i rly like their suggestions, sounds like you’ll have a gap to fill socially. i also struggled w friendships in public school and honestly if i could tell my past self something it would be that theres always a chance to change. i locked my self image in as the person who just struggled to make friends, and that somehow stopped me trying before i even started. it wasnt until later in senior year i relaxed and started to talk to people but by then it was nearly over lol. keep an eye out for clubs or sports that pique ur interest even if you dont think you’ll be any good. you have time to get good and its the easiest way to make friends. also dont be scared to talk to people in class even if its just about the assignment or something mundane. studies show the fastest way to friendship is proximity. its something i miss now that im an adult working from home :/ social situations are inherently awkward but u will grow from trying. social skills are a skill that can be developed. while your sister is busy exploring a new world of hers, you can make a new world of your own and tell her all about it when she comes back over the holiday :)
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 8 months ago:
here and there are fine, I think sometimes they have their place but I’m really not a fan. the noise bothers me and I hate that people shoot them off to celebrate the same veterans that suffer ptsd during firework shows. I hope some communities start to move to drone shows in the future. https://youtu.be/pZ-zJ0Vq0FU Much quieter and leaves way more room to switch it up year to year.
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 9 months ago:
sure but a very small amount compared to what people eat. around 50% of american land is just used to grow crops for cattle. if we opted to reduce that, think of how much forest and natural land we could bring back.
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months ago:
we use some of the most fertile lands in the midwest that could be used to grow literally anything else to grow vast amounts of soy and corn for cows.
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months ago:
the beef industry wouldnt be razing down the amazon forest if no one was buying and eating it, would they?
- Comment on What can we do when something is too vast to provide representative examples for? 11 months ago:
it seems like you are trying to have genuine debates with people who just want to argue. what happens on the flipside? do people provide you with evidence/examples when you ask? does it change your mind?
- Comment on What kind of a gift can you give your teacher out of respect, but that doesn’t get mistaken for romance? 1 year ago:
a genuine card and a gift card to a nice restaurant. or maybe a wine voucher
- Comment on Does anyone wish they could go back to the beginning of schooling and re-live their education/school experience from the start? 1 year ago:
move to a cheap ass, tiny ass town and find an online program to get certified. seems to work for a lot of people here in ohio.
- Comment on Ring finger interactions with pinkie 1 year ago:
for me i can move my pinkie and ring finger independently kinda easily but my ring finger can barely move if my middle one doesnt. as for the science i have zero clue
- Comment on Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life? 1 year ago:
see if you can just quit your job and move to a tiny town where rent is dirt cheap (i live in a 30,000 person college town and paying $500/mo is considered normal if not even a little high, im assuming you can find for even less in an even smaller area). you can live off your savings for a bit in a cheap place with a quieter environment to give your mind a break and re-evaluate what you want to do.