- Comment on If we're living in a simulation, why would the simulation creators allow the sims to ponder and speculate whether or not they live in a simulation? 2 months ago:
Creators don’t have to be all-knowing. Also, because believing this reality is a simulation does not change the rules we live by, there is no difference between the life of a sim-denier and sim-believer. It’s not as if you’d be punished just for [redacted].
- Comment on Your Memories on Facebook 4 months ago:
We care about you and the memories you share here
- Comment on No more fucking dooming 4 months ago:
Hi! Your comment succeeded in convincing me of all the genocide in which I have been tacitly engaged. What action do you recommend I take now?
- Comment on No more fucking dooming 4 months ago:
“I am part of the intelligencia”
- Comment on I love children's sense of humour 4 months ago:
- Comment on I love children's sense of humour 4 months ago:
Makes too much sense, probably the victim’s fault instead /s
- Comment on It'll be really funny when Mike Lindell goes back to smoking crack after he goes broke from lawsuits 4 months ago:
I agree, I wish things worked that way. If he loses, he can just pay to play again until he wins. People are confused and exploited in every place that has people, and someone else will come along to prey upon folks, because it is always personally advantageous.
- Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 4 months ago:
Sorta harsh take, but I do agree that comparing these numbers with additional data would be helpful for establishing a clear understanding of income equality. It seems this particular table was written for comparing differences in the shown group only.
- Comment on Ryujinx emulator GitHub repository currently down 4 months ago:
- Comment on Day -5 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots 5 months ago:
Wow the art looks great! Are your HP and gold maxed out?
- Comment on Why do social workers get upset when you don't want their help? 5 months ago:
I am sorry that you feel this way.
- Comment on My friend gifted me a "fighting RPG" that turned out to be something else entirely 5 months ago:
The game has been in development for half a decade, and it’s not anywhere near finished. The voice acting is great but they’re glorified demos with adult gimmicks.
- Comment on Super Mario Sunshine’s Biggest Mod Now Ready for Download 5 months ago:
Go with the feeling
- Comment on Replika CEO Eugenia Kuyda says the future of AI might mean friendship and marriage with chatbots 6 months ago:
“What could possibly go wrong?” Said nobody
- Comment on What is going on with all the Low Brow and immature verbal fights The Democrats and GOP are having all over social media? 6 months ago:
Hey, bone spurs can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.
- Comment on Motor Vehicles, Even animal powered vehicles extend life. 6 months ago:
Excess carbon emissions, shortens all lives.
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
I suddenly really hate the newfound existence of potential milli-, micro-, and picoyard(s). Thanks.
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
Inconvenienced might be right. The tagline from the poster treats metric implementation as a punishment. “What did he do to deserve this?” Has the same victimized tone like, “Look what they done to my boy” which completely disregards the merits of either system in favor of nationalism. It almost seems like a cold-war era ideal.
- Comment on Day 21 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 6 months ago:
I spend a lot of time every day troubleshooting and tweaking my mod list. Sometimes I’ll think about it while I go to sleep and I’ll have a solution when I wake up! It is one of the few tasks I can concentrate on for long periods of time. Playing the game might actually happen soon!
I always wondered if there are professionals who do this sort of program-fixing in their work, and I would love to find such an environment.
Thank you Atticus, please keep up the great posts!
- Comment on Day 21 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 6 months ago:
Walking from Whiterun to Winterhold? Save your stamina, steal a horse!
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
1917 shitpost with obstinate opinions held to this day. Brilliant!
- Comment on Why is there no sense of "camaderie" in the workplace? 6 months ago:
You all should have a better reason to stay
- Comment on Revamped ‘Ao Oni – Ai Edition’ Now on Switch and PC with New Characters and Fast Mode 7 months ago:
Wow I can’t believe I’m seeing that title again
- Comment on What's your favorite breakfast coffee? To me, Folgers in my cup is the best part of waking up. 7 months ago:
I cannot possibly engage in any discussion until I clean this entire area, I’m crying rn. Make it stop make it stop
- Comment on S&box (Garry's Mod Sequel) is now in open developer beta 7 months ago:
- Comment on Rebuilding Bridges: The Imperative of Unity Among Former Soviet Republics 7 months ago:
There’s a lack of facts backing up these “personal experiences”
- Comment on The taste of 🦅🇺🇲 Freedom 🇺🇸🦅 7 months ago:
Yep. You can still order these at Steak & Shake, but they aren’t on the menu. My friends and I used to get these on a crazy whim, up until my buddy’s first heart attack at 17 years old. They’re almost inedible. It’s kind of like eating a slab of cheesy beef casserole, bigger than your face.
- Comment on Accept it 7 months ago:
I thought it was Fight Club before I saw Batman
- Comment on Hello Adam! 7 months ago:
Adan Samdler
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
I know, right? Do you just flip one and run at 50%?