- Comment on Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled 7 months ago:
Same. Firefox Mobile had been a laggy mess when I used it a few years ago, but a combination of some really aggressive advertising and the announcement of manifest v3 caused me to give it another shot about a year ago. It’s a dramatic improvement in phone browsing.
- Comment on How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas 9 months ago:
It seems a lot of the new ones have a cellular modem. On the surface it’s to let you remotely access the car or do a remote start. Even if you don’t pay to subscribe and use it for your purposes they can utilize it to transfer out the data.
- Comment on I used an original iPod in 2024, and it was pretty fun 9 months ago:
Ditto. Mine was stolen out of my car 9 years ago and I still miss it.
- Comment on Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app 10 months ago:
I don’t think I realized that was a limitation because I’ve been using the Vaultwarden fork.
- Comment on Post your Servernames! 10 months ago:
Same, though I’ve got a couple Decepticons sprinkled in. They all connect to the Allspark ssid.
- Comment on Subset Games created two amazing games: FTL & Into The Breach 10 months ago:
You’ll be thrilled. I’ve got many many hours logged playing this game on my Deck after buying it on Switch and only playing a few minutes.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Well said. I had hardware that was killed by “upgrades” or manufacturers discontinuing them from their cloud features. I now instal locally controllable hardware as much as possible and it has led to a much more stable and long term reliable smart home. Everything ties back into Home Assistant. The only remaining things I have with a cloud-reliant integration are the robovac our Nest Protect Smoke Alarms, and smart vents. The only reason they’re cloud controlled is there wasn’t a viable option that met feature and price point requirements. Everything else, (65+devices) is local Wi-Fi/Homekit ZigBee or Z-Wave
- Comment on Finally joined the "work was throwing it out" club 1 year ago:
I’ve been using one for several years now with one of the documented switches that add multiple ports. First in a DIY and then with the v3 hat Kickstarter I guess total I’m at $270 between the Kickstarter HAT and ezcoo switch plus the cost of a Pi (which I already had) I can reach 4 machines over my Tailnet and jump between them reliably. I can also control power on my primary server. (others are on a network managed PDU and can be forcibly reset that way if needed)
I had an old console from a job but it was so old that it required an ancient version of Java to access through the web interface. I’m sure there may be better options, but for my homelab setup the pikvm has worked well at a price that fit in my budget.
- Comment on It's Time to Ditch Evernote for One of These Alternatives 1 year ago:
I’ve been using obsidian-livesync for a couple months now. Works great cross-platform since it runs directly out of my Vault and doesn’t cost $8/mo. Mine is running on right now but I may eventually move it to my own machine.
I can’t help feeling like Obsidian really missed the mark on their pricing here for hobbyist & home users. I can’t justify paying substantially more than something like iCloud or Google Drive storage when I’m using Obsidian to just sync some text and a few documentation images. Something like $1-2/mo would have been an instant buy for me, but at $8 it was worth my time to investigate other ways of syncing.
- Comment on Mercedes-Benz debuts turquoise exterior lights to indicate the car is self-driving | A visual indicator for other drivers 1 year ago:
My aftermarket Openpilot setup does this with a camera pointed at the driver. I’m good about paying attention but apparently if it alerts too many times that you’re distracted it will disable itself until you restart the car.
- Comment on HP raising Instant Ink subscription pricing significantly 1 year ago:
Perfect analogy. I completely shill for both Bitwarden and Brother printers because they legit are just that good. When I find products like that they’re what I push to my family and friends because they “just work.”
- Comment on Has HP printers always been this bad? 1 year ago:
It’s pretty much always been this way with the HP ones. Years ago when wireless printers were not the standard, we used to connect a printer to the family Windows PC and then share it on the network. We got a new one set it up, and the printer refused to be shared. Turns out HP had explicitly blocked network sharing in their Windows software driver for that printer. Never purchased another one since. Brother isn’t perfect, but I have multiple 8+ year old Brother laser printers still in service right now and they “Just Work.”
- Comment on I saw Oppenheimer, it wasn't what I expected 1 year ago:
Wife and I had a similar experience. We kept thinking “oh, here’s the part where we’re going to talk about all the science and physics!” but then went off on another track. I liked it overall though and have generally been a Nolan fan.