- Comment on a strong beak, of course 1 day ago:
Birds can use tools.
- Comment on For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. 3 months ago:
There is no chance it wasn’t meant to be an open world. The witcher 3 was a very successful open world they made.
Also, CP77 actually is in the style of elden ring that was praised for it, but CP77 came long before it. Most critiques of CP77 missed that part because the game doesn’t throw it at your face.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Fukushima, in 2024,is a city of 272569 inhabitants. If that’s unlivable, I’m fine with it. Hiroshima, Nagazaki and Chernobyl are all inhabited too.
Saying that nuclear stuff makes places unlivable is plain wrong, it’s anti-science. It’s comics level of bullshit science. Travel in time is a more serious theory than nuclear stuff destroying the planet.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Chernobyl yes, let’s talk about it : after the catastrophy, 2 reactors were used until very recently (like until 10 or 20 years ago).
After the catastrophy, Chernobyl was made into an exclusion zone where people wouldn’t be allowed to live. But people came back 10 years after and it’s a small village now.
BTW even Hiroshima and Nagazaki that were annihilated with atomic bombs, that is weapons meant to destroy whole cities, were quickly inhabited again.
So much for the permanent destruction and millions of years of contamination. CO2 is a far more deadly compound for mankind than any radioactive material. Anti-nuke militants are merely ignorant fanatics.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
And that cannot happen. It’s a fear people have because they equate a nuclear power plant with a nuclear bomb. That is as wrong as considering the earth flat.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
A nuclear power plant cannot destroy a city.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Renewable are so cheap, especially when we don’t need as much energy! Fortunately we won’t need as much energy in winter now. :-)
- Comment on Quantum 3 months ago:
Well, technically a solution of a quantum mechanic equation is a projection on a vector space, so a mediocre answer is merely a projection on this <accurate ; stupid> vector space.
So your comparison is actually brilliant!
- Comment on Horse archers ruin every game they are in. 5 months ago:
Horse archers, or skirmishing units in general, are countered by archers or siege units. Unless the game is wildly unbalanced it always works.
- Comment on Bees 5 months ago:
It makes it more dangerous : the sting is attach to the venom bag, so the venom bag gets to empty itself whole if it stays. Evolution would have chosen the survival of the hive, not the survival of the bee.
One thing is weird though : you can extract the sting of a wasp with a pincer. The wasp will live through it. Why do the bee dies when it loses it’s sting and not the wasp?
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 5 months ago:
For the first, it can be women too. For misogyny it’s harder. But there is a trend currently to attract and radicalise women into conservatism too. The trad wives movement. I don’t remember the names but there are movement for spirituality and naturalism that are also linked to trad wives. That is also a slippery slope : first you hook them spirituality, and at the end you have JK Rowling who is an anti-trans activist.
Women and men are not in the same groups simply because conservatives are misogynistic so they like to separate men and women.
Overall it is a culture war lead by the far right.
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 5 months ago:
It’s a slippery slope. First it’s either a community they can share anything with, or it is a subject dear to them that they see people give solution to. Then, slowly, one idea at a time, they get litteraly corrupted. Ideas are imprinted through repetition, values are suggested. Then, or before, you imprint the idea that the others are lying. This is key because it seed doubt in everything, but as he is closer from this group, this group get to imprint its own ideas through repetition alone. Distance is built with relatives so that the group is the only group he has. Then if he starts to disagree, he will be kicked, sometimes also punished, and he’ll be left alone, or at least he must be convinced of it. Once there radicalisation is a process that’s hard to stop.
Doubt, distrust, and a group to be with are the key ingredients. Liberalism is a fertile ground for this because it promotes individualism when humans are social creatures. So it’s very easy to find people in need of a social group that gives belonging. And racism makes the easiest pretense : you belong because of your blood, or because you’re born here.
For sexism, it’s mostly a reactionary backlash, and secondly this liberalism problem of promoting individualism to humans who seek belonging. Feminism did won, and the old way of treating women is being addressed. But it is a process, and while we know what’s bad, we don’t have much new examples to follow. Yet most people have been trained in the old way, so now they are at lost. It’s not the first reason why they’re alone, liberalism has this place, but it is far easier to blame it on women and feminism than to try to build a new society. And also, it again gives them belonging with men like them that understands them and give explanations and solutions to their problems. Not good ones, but that’s not the point.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Nexus: the Jupiter incident. It is a now a bit old tactical space combat game with a big focus on the narrative. It’s awesome, but I never see it mentioned anywhere.
- Comment on Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic” 6 months ago:
Sometimes I wonder if these people understand that no player ever wanted exclusivities on a game store. Instead of providing a decent service, they’re litteraly trying to kidnap customers with a choice between waiting for months for this big release or taking it on a subpar platform.
- Comment on Was it a good thing that SNW explicitly said the Federation is socialist? 8 months ago:
You’re all true until allocating scarce resources. These days economy is how to make scarce something that isn’t in order to profit from it. See copyrights and patents. In our society a replicator would be the property of a company and you would need to pay it to be allowed to use it.
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
Sure, so tankies are everywhere on lemmy, and I’m probably one apparently, but no definition will be given…
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
I asked you about tankies, not fascists.
Going on a witch hunt against tankies and calling tankies everyone who disagree with you is not really showing you under a good light. As you said, referring to people as tankies want only and haphazardly will make you called a fascists, because only the fascists are hunting down tankies with definitions known to them only.
Again, throughout history the leftists are the first to fight and to be hunted down by the fascists. And as a matter of fact, the fight and the hunt has started in the western world.
Sure, Russia and China are fascists countries and bad in many ways. But USA and Europe are turning fascist too. That is what concerns me. And turning fascist in order to fight Russia or China is just stupid.
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
And what definition of tankie is used here? I’ve been called a tankie several times on this thread and on lemmy while I discovered this word here on lemmy.
Are you concerned you might be a fascist or are you trying to disregard and disqualify me based on whtt I consider a fascist?
My point is that here there is a witch hunt against supposed tankies whyle fascists are welcome. Considering the political climate in western countries, do you think fascism or tankism will be more prevalent? Why is the fight against tankies so much more prevalent on then?
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
When people support a genocide I tend to consider them fascists. When they consider leftists to be extremist of fascist, they are usually fascist themselves. When they promote authoritarianism, intolerance, xenophobia,… When people talk about wokes or wokism, they’re usually fascists. When they support US imperialism.
Most fascists blind themselves though, and the propaganda picture anyone against the fascists as fascists.
The biggest lie to picture the left as fascist simply because they don’t support liberalism. Leftists have always been the first victims of fascism. That should give you a hint.
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
It’s funny how you picture this authoritarianism, and then this very thread is exactly about that : either you defederate from hexbear or you defederate from is the request here.
I’ve seen far far more fascists on lemmy than I’ve seen tankies BTW.
So you know maybe it’s that turned fascist and not Just food for thought here.
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
I think I’ve see two comments from tankies. Meanwhile I see fascists and radical liberals several times a week.
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
I’m not a tankie, and I see far more fascists than I see tankies. In fact I’ve seen maybe two tankies comments on lemmy while I see fascists several times a week.
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
You see, now you’re saving the people from the evil leftist propaganda.
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
You can block instances for yourself instead of blocking them for everyone.
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
This thread is about de federating from lemmy.lm. Because some fascists here are on a witch hunt against some people from hexbear.
It is literally telling everyone that either they defederate from hexbear or they defederate from
Typical trump diplomacy btw.
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
I’m merely pointing the hypocrisy here. Some people on are litteraly on a witch hunt.
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
It’s crazy that people here want the most authoritarian measure to fight authoritarianism somehow…
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
So you don’t care about the instance you want to ban all the users from there. That’s quite open minded and tolerant!
- Comment on 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate 1 year ago:
They worked hard for decades. They’ve been betrayed and hampered by editors in the past until kick-started. It’s not a lucky situation, they built this luck.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 - Patch #6 Now Live! 1 year ago:
Act 3 is great. It was tougher on the hardware for performances because it’s so big, but patches fixed many of these problems. That was some time ago already.