- Comment on Your boomer parents after giving you the most outdated job-seeking advice of your fucking life [Day 86] 1 week ago:
This works fine for informal things, like a correspondence with a friend, inter office communication, or perhaps a rambling Zine. However, for something formal like a resume, this would be bad etiquette.
Just a side note, If your mistake was found after removing your paper from the typewriter, good luck getting the paper re-aligned on any typewriter without decent detents built into the platen.
- Comment on Your boomer parents after giving you the most outdated job-seeking advice of your fucking life [Day 86] 1 week ago:
Looks like most typewriters before 1973
Typewriters before this time did possess a backspace key, but it simply moved the carriage back one character space so the typist could use whiteout to remove a mistake. When struck, the correction key of IBM Selectric II would use internal correction tape to remove the mistake and replace it with a letter key manually chosen by the user
Read more at the ANSI Blog: Invention of the Backspace Key
- Comment on Half-Life 2 peaks at 52,000 concurrent players, 20 years after its release 3 months ago:
Yes, ignore false history.
- Comment on How screwed would one be if their email provider shuts down? 3 months ago:
I recently lost my oldest email and I didn’t plan accordingly. Roadrunner email. It’s still a pain in the butt. I’ve managed to change almost everything (that I can REMEMBER) to my newer email, but there are two that haven’t been changed because they require an email to the old email first… It’s gone.
That email was probably 20 years old and I have no idea what services I had signed up through it.
The moral of my story is to read emails from your email provider. Apparently they sent out warnings 6 months in advance, but I always ignored their emails.
- Comment on Nvidia blocks access to video card driver updates for users from Russia and Belarus. 4 months ago:
CIA agent ‘drinks the kool-aid’
Cold-war era joke, pre-suppose all us media is ‘State’ media
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
The repeal of Obamacare attempt.
Every state that is doing private school voucher program.
Reducing the budget of the IRS yielding a 42% reductions in audits from 2010 to 2017.
Republicans defund, then claim that the whole thing was a waste of time.
Unless of coarse if we’re taking about military funding, or tax credits(see defund) for legacy corporations
- Comment on YSK the full scope of the recent US presidential immunity decision 8 months ago:
Early in the morning of July 8, 2025. Seal team 6 begins operation Orange Julius. At the same time, all around the country, under executive orders, sovereign citizens are rounded up and placed in immigration detention centers (you know why).
Maga Americans were swift to respond, but were no match for the US military, Joe Biden declared martial law, and made it a crime to wear red hats or raise the front of your truck only, even listening to Toby Keith could land you in prison.
…it could happen, to you
- Comment on Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term? 9 months ago:
Joe Lieberman was his name, while he did not act alone, I’ll always remember he took the public option from us.
Also he founded No Labels, the “Unity” party that does not have a platform, but does have billionaire donors
- Comment on After watching batman throw around explosives left and right I no longer believe batman doesn't use guns because of some sort of moral quandary but rather he just prefers the challenge. 11 months ago:
Batman totally uses a gun in Justice League…
Also silver age batman used guns also…/batman-and-guns.html
Batman loves a challenge, dude could be going to sweet parties, riding on a yacht, driving supercars (he does do this one tho).
- Comment on Well, it looks like verification photos might be useless now. 1 year ago:
One year? I’m guessing six months, what a time to be alive!?!
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
Looking for this comment, I’m still running my craftsman 19.2 volt tools, but with a 20v DeWalt adapter, saved my from throwing away 1 reciprocating saw, 1 light, 1 1/4" impact, 2 drills, 1 90° drill, and a circular saw.
- Comment on Heists like seen in Die Hard I actually exist? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Five People Founded Tesla, But Only Elon Musk Became Extremely Rich 1 year ago:
Musk’s companies had received an estimated $4.9 billion in government support by 2015, and they’ve gotten more since.
- Comment on World’s first off-road solar car ‘Stella Terra’ succeeds in cruising from Morocco to the Sahara 1 year ago:
I love to hate on the Pontiac Aztec as much as the next guy, it wouldn’t be caught dead with a cyber truck.
- Comment on Bad Bots Account for 73% of Internet Traffic: Analysis 1 year ago:
It just means automated search, like a search engine does constantly to stay relevant. Yes ai’s do it, but also tons of websites and businesses.
Bad bots do it too, but they are bad
- Comment on Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games 1 year ago:
How about the example of Transformers(2007) where GM very gently shoehorned their product into nearly every character.
This movie killed the movie theater for me, I felt like I paid to watch a commercial
- Comment on Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty 1 year ago:
Dune II is super fun, if you want to play the same old game, but with more modern rts features you should check out dune legacy.
- Comment on in the future a voice actor will probably be a person who provides a library of voice clips to train an AI on 1 year ago:
Val Kilmer lost his voice to throat cancer and made his own.…/val-kilmer-recreated-speaking-voi…
Also the article points out the controversy in using these, specifically using Anthony Bordains clips to generate things he never said.
- Comment on Fable Studios created an AI-generated episode of South Park... during a Hollywood strike over AI. 1 year ago:
"Fable started in 2018 as a spinoff from Facebook’s Oculus (how times have changed since then), working on VR films — a medium that never really took off. Now it has seemingly pivoted to AI, "
I wonder how much of the ai hype is just huge investments into hardware, looking for profits.