- Comment on I know what I got. No low balls 5 months ago:
Thanks, Meat Cat!
- Comment on Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor? 5 months ago:
What, you don’t like cold soured apple curd tart cream? It has nutmeg in it!
- Comment on Gullfriends - A place to appreciate friendly sea gulls 5 months ago:
Is it eating a pork rind?
- Comment on Every phone call you make with just the mic near your mouth and the speaker near your ear, you are having a conversational 69 where both of you are placing your mouths next to each other's ears. 5 months ago:
Showering is very difficult with broken hands.
- Comment on Rip Striker 2000-2024 😭 9 months ago:
- Comment on Day one and done 9 months ago:
I am embarrassed to say that I like thin crust papa johns, but only if it’s cold…? Although, I’ve only eaten it while hungover, so it’s obviously a crap “pizza” ¯_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on Day one and done 9 months ago:
That’s 100% true. Same with frozen. Sometimes I just want some air fried digornos, not anything that was made with love shudder
- Comment on Day one and done 9 months ago:
It’s best for everyone that we just accept that they are two different pizza concepts, and should not be ranked between each other.
- Comment on YSK: The "Troubled Teen" industry that was big in the 90's and 2000's was not only a complete sham, but was (and STILL is) horrifically abusive and traumatic. 11 months ago:
I was kidnapped in the night and taken to one of these in 2002. My mom finally figured out how awful it was after 14 months and came to get me. The school convinces the parents to not believe any bad things their kids might sneak through on one of their once-a-week call privileges, and they also make older students sit in the phone room and listen to the phone calls in case they need to cut you off.
If you’re being punished for anything (which is basically solitary confinement in public- you are limited to a booth 16 hours a day and nobody can talk to you unless they’re assigned to bring you homework from the school you’re forcefully missing) you also lose your rights to talk to your parents.
Further, there are a series of brainwashing events called propheets (some overnight or multi days long) that convince a LOT of students that they very very very much deserved to be taken away and that they must essentially repent and accept the program to “heal”. It was really upsetting to see kids who ordinarily struggled socially to 100% immediately fall im line and then become hall-monitor manipulative snitches.
I’m trying not to really get going about it bc I think the comic covers a lot of it, but only some of the kids come from rich families (and they’re ordinarily just spoiled, nothing more). Most of us learned that our parents mortgaged their houses or took out other high high interest loans. So, that got thrown in your face too “you’re such a piece of shit person that your own parents had to almost lose your house!”
And yeah they’d get in your face and scream as loud as adult men could scream until you’d break the fuck down and weep and scream as well.
I wish more parents would have been vocal when their kids told them the truth. They could’ve spared more families the trauma.
My school was in Idaho, where parents could petition for custody until their kids turned 19, so there were fucking ADULTS there that couldn’t leave without being tracked down and physically (violently) brought back and then put immediately “on a booth”.
Two of my friends I made there killed themselves not long after release.
- Comment on My pick is Rubberband Man by the Spinners. 1 year ago:
“Hand me down my beatin’ chain, hand me down my bat! Hurry now and guard your face cause we ain’t got time to chat!”
- Comment on other the hamburger just keeps trying to self-medicate 1 year ago:
How can you hamburger help others, if you can’t hamburger help yourself first?
- Comment on family sized lasanyer 1 year ago:
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on Can you survive on pickles alone, for a while? 1 year ago:
Was this a good stick?
- Comment on Why don't I bruise? 1 year ago:
You don’t remember, but we shook hands a while ago and through some Freaky Friday transitive biological process, I took all your bruises and combined them with my own. I was embarrassed my hex backfired, so I didn’t tell you. Sorry!
- Comment on What are the best features of Lemmy that aren't available in Reddit? 1 year ago:
Well shit, I loved the pun chains!
- Comment on i saved this meme in may of 2020, it has become relevant 1 year ago:
I assumed it was a reference to the USA’s Democratic party, but that doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Only commenting because I think the linked article above is really interesting
- Comment on Are you trying to get me robbed?! 1 year ago:
You don’t understand! You were supposed to die on that bridge!
- Comment on Google Podcasts to shut down in 2024 with listeners migrated to YouTube Music 1 year ago:
I was having some problems with Google podcasts (which I used for years) and switched to Pocket Casts. It’s been great other than some kind of clunky bits when trying to add to/edit your play-next queue, but otherwise I think it’s a pretty great transition from Google
- Comment on Can I keep fried eggs in fridge? 1 year ago:
Hex for your darkest enemies-
• foot of crow • eyes of six rats • ladle of swamp water • nail trimmings of accursed • two gelatinous day old fridge sunny-sides (may be up to three days in fridge {questionable})
- Comment on It's called shitposting because it's done on the terlet 1 year ago:
Tbf, it doesn’t belong on this list
- Comment on If enough people keep making things plural by adding apostrophe ess, eventually that will be the church way to make things plural 1 year ago:
I was in a meeting at work (a multi-billion dollar company, fwiw) where a slide was titled “August Birthday’s”. I just zoned out after that