- Comment on This 7-year-old has a lemonade stand to pay for her mom's tombstone 10 months ago:
My grandmother recently died and she prearranged everything, from where the service would be, to the coffin, to the plot and headstone.
I dread at what the cost would be if we had ti pay out of pocket for all of this. She had an open casket, will be buried with her husband, and so on.
It is a racket, with my dad we had him cremated and aservice and I think it was about 3k if memory serves.
- Comment on How Hidden Nazi Symbols Were the Tip of a Toxic Iceberg at Life Is Strange Developer Deck Nine - IGN 11 months ago:
Mods are a different beast and not representative of the game, devs, or player base. Mods like this often get removed from big modding sites like Nexus, forcing them to be mostly in their own spaces. (There is/was a bg3 mod overhaul that makes every black npc white, some lesbian npcs into men so they are straight couples, the ability to change your gender and lock it to the body types. Etc and so on. But you can’t find it on Nexus. I remember the white Wyll mod but it got removed within 3 days)
It’s another matter entirely when a developer bakes this kind of shit into the game. Not every game has mod support and not everyone mods.
- Comment on Some of the Anime's releasing in the summer 11 months ago:
I’m talking about the anime where the girls don’t provide anything else, it’s usually more an issue for shounen anime than anything, but slice of life often has this trouble too.
I’m also not saying all anime. But there’s a disturbing amount of anime that doesn’t have female characters, just boobs and asses that want to marry the Mc or call him a pervert.
I wouldn’t remove the female characters from like Inuyasha or Rurouni Kenshin, but i would from Mashle magic and muscle because… the one female character does nothing in the whole show lol.
- Comment on Some of the Anime's releasing in the summer 11 months ago:
It feels so hard to stay away from anime like that these days. I honestly feel like the majority of modern anime would be better if it didn’t have any female characters in it at all.
- Comment on Lemmy Active Users looking good 11 months ago:
Yeah, I still browse reddit from time to time (mostly when lemme feed is dried up or I’m at my computer. I don’t browse it for hours like I used to, though. And I haven’t made a comment that wasn’t on r/lfg for months.
Most of my feed is about Canada, makes sense, I live there. But a vast majority of it is right wing propaganda. Anti immigration, pro PeePee, anti Trudeau, etc. Every week a new right wing subreddit crops up.
- Comment on The FTC isn’t too happy with Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard layoffs 1 year ago:
It was more than just managers and redundant positions that were laid off. And it was mostly blizzard employees laid off specifically.
/no please don’t attack this innocent multi trillion dollar company
- Comment on Steam keeps on winning 1 year ago:
Gabe won’t live forever and usually someone new wants to put their vision up, and make their changes and feel special and then bam.
- Comment on How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? 1 year ago:
Currently never, but that’s because i dont go out much. If I went out more, even just for jogging. I would be extremely frustrated that my current phone doesn’t have a jack. Currently I have to have to so everyone around me can hear my phone as I don’t have a converted or a wireless headphone.
- Comment on Google admits it's making YouTube worse for ad block users 1 year ago:
Oh I suppose my diseased father’s small channel with a few of his live music performances will be deleted. Lovely.
- Comment on Cities: Skylines 2 "absolutely cannot" have the decade of DLC features that the original game added | GamesRadar+ 1 year ago:
I think there ie a middle ground as a rule but a lot of games use dlc as an excuse to sell the game for more.
Sims is a great example. It costs over $1k to buy everything for Sims 4 and the Sims 4 stans will defend it going “you’re not SUPPOSED to guy every pack”. Sims 3 vs Sims 4 is something as well. Sims 3 didn’t get as much dlc, but each one had so much more content and gameplay than Sims 4. 9 years and like 50 packs later, Sims 3 STILL has more content overall. The game was just poorly optimized and badly coded and is only now becoming playable in terms of load times and lag. A lot of the Sims 4 packs don’t even work that well together, or the opposite where they release a feature and you need another pack to fully utilize it. (The goats and sheep in the horses dlc don’t do anything without cottage living. And they already didn’t do much WITH it)
The Weather expansion with Sims 2 made sense at the time. Weather was a mechanic that not many games had and quite the milestone, it was groundbreaking for the time. Weather dlc for Sims 3 you could begrudgingly forgive, since it’s such a big thing and the base for Sims 3 was so big. But Weather being sold as an add on for Sims 4 was just unacceptable. The game was barren, weather is a base feature for every single game within that kind of genre. It feels like they remove the feature to sell it later. And you see this with the pets packs too. Sims 3 you had cats, dogs, horses, and small animals. With Sims 4 you have cats and dogs, my first pets stuff, cottage living (for the small animals, it does FINALLY add SOMETHING new with the cows/lamas and chickens), and horse ranch- for the same experience Sims 3 pets gave - and even THEN there is less gameplay and features. No unicorns, no wild horses, no pet jobs (I think) since you can’t control them, no nothing. Sims 4 still doesn’t have fairies somehow but there’s rumbles that they might be the next occult and they could bring unicorns but… you won’t be able to do anything with the unicorns without horse ranch.
So, it’s not even than Sims 4 costs more than 3, you are getting an objectively worse and more barren experience even when you do buy everything. The dlc for Sims 3 made sense and added so much, barring maybe the weather one as an arguable one. Almost none of the dlc in Sims 4 makes sense to be sold to the player instead of in the base game. City living, island living, cottage living, the vacation one… for that’s about it really. But becausethey are supposed to bring new content and gamellay experiences. But the dlc for Sims 4 was just such an obvious money cash cow that they are like “what pieces of the same dlc can we upsell as separate packs?” They barely add anything new.
I have no problem with dlc like how it is with Witcher 3 was with new stories, gameplay experiences, quests, etc, rather than selling base features of a game for morr.
- Comment on Rating down at 77% 1 year ago:
Creation engine is a double edge sword, on one had, it is super moddable. The mods you can put in for skyrim are insane. You can turn it into a completely different game.
I would say that the game isn’t unpolished because of the engine though. Not in the ways I’m talking about anyway. The quests, dialog, locations, animations are all just a bit off, unpolished, and stiff. None of these really have anything to do with the engine aside maybe animations and locations. And given the eldersouls mods that give very animated combat animations, the combat mods that add wound systems and combos, etc, I don’t think that’s what’s holding them back.
Yes creation engine is old, but I dont think it’s what makes the game feel unpolished for me.
- Comment on Rating down at 77% 1 year ago:
I played a few hours but after a quest frustrated me I haven’t picked it up since.
I did go through an abandoned science facility but it was just like going through a facility in fallout for me.
I tried playing fo4 many times but could never really get far into it. The west time i tried a completely different playthrough where you are just cranked up on drugs and go in running with melee weapons, but that build takes a while to get going. I also tried actually building a settlement with that build and I couldn’t even make a square room and gave up lol. (There was always a gap no matter how I placed the walls…)
I see you can build crazy ships and maybe that might be fun.
But I don’t know, the game doesn’t quite do it for me.
- Comment on Rating down at 77% 1 year ago:
Starfield is the classic Bethesda experience but the hype around it implied it wouldn’t be. The classic Bethesda experience is fine, it’s a good base of a nice, free-form game that lacks polish. They are also games that need at least a few mods to actually be good. Vanilla Skyrim, etc sucks after you start modding it. Even if all you download is an end, a weather, the unofficial patch, and the better dialog and message box controls mods. Playing starfield I was immediately like “where is better dialog and message box controls?”
The game has potential but a thing that bothers me is landing on a planet and it says I explored 90% of it before I even exited the ship. I went to earth and there was no evidence of there ever being life and major cities. No ruined homes, no cities, no like… Mt Rushmore head that broke off and found where it isn’t supposed to be, no statue of liberty torch. Nothing. They could have crafted a really cool ruined earth and instead it was just… sand and rocks. What do you think is behind that rock? Another rock. And when it comes to Earth, you don’t need to have everything be where it needs to. The tip of a pyramid in Egypt makes sense but I see nothing wrong with finding the broken Washington monument in the middle of what was the Atlantic ocean. Or the broken big Ben in the middle of what was Japan. If any planet should have gotten randomly generated assets of ruins or even just manually crafted, it should have been Earth.
Most planets are empty and give you almost no reason to explore them. The game is about exploring planets, but playing this game makes me want to play Starbound instead.
I also don’t know why everyone compares it to Skyrim when I feel like I’m playing Fallout 4 instead of Skyrim. Skyrim would have been an improvement, I wasn’t a fan of FO4.
- Comment on ChatGPT is losing some of its hype, as traffic falls for the third month in a row 1 year ago:
When I first started messing with it, I was kind of neat and fun. I like making characters so I was using it for like story prompts and general outlines. Some were better than others, but it was neat for some inspiration and fleshing out. I never took it’s outputs 1:1.
But when I messed with it again recently. It was a lot worse. Like it ignored parts of my prompt. Like as an example a prompt was about a romance story, but the story was about character A and their family. The love interest character was barely a footnote and could have been removed entirely and nothing would have changed with the story outlines it was giving me.
I thought maybe it doesnt like romance prompts, so I tried less specific and more broad prompts from there, and it was the same thing of just… not outputting what I was asking it to. It got worse and worse and sometimes wouldn’t output anything at all.
- Comment on Nexus Mods Vortex Mod Manager 1 year ago:
As a rule mod managers are the way to mod. I prefer mod organizer 2 over vortex, but mo2 isn’t compatible.with every game. Mo2 should have starfield compatibility if it doesn’t already.
I just find mo2 easier to use and navigate.
- Comment on Looking for games with strong female leads for my daughter (even just to watch as I play). Came across this link, but they're a bit old. Any suggestions from the community? 1 year ago:
In your opinion what would be too scary? I tend to have higher thresholds and limits than most people to what I call appropriate so I am curious.
- Comment on Looking for games with strong female leads for my daughter (even just to watch as I play). Came across this link, but they're a bit old. Any suggestions from the community? 1 year ago:
My first thought was Never Alone
It is a puzzle platform adventure and the main character is a little girl probably around your daughter’s age who befriends an arctic fox. It’s an educational game about the Iñupiat people and their culture.
I dont know if there’s any scary scenes but since the main character is a child and the main focus of the game is to be educational, I doubt there will be anything too inappropriate. There will probably be things that she won’t understand but that’s just about everything- she’s 5.