- Comment on Prioritizing de-clouding efforts 4 weeks ago:
I’d recommend migrating one service at a time (install, migrate, shake down; next service).
Either prioritize what you want declouded the most, or start with the smallest migration and snowball bigger.
- Comment on Work from home 8 months ago:
Or just your direct reports’ direct reports.
- Comment on Work from home 8 months ago:
What about indirect reports?
- Comment on Work from home 8 months ago:
Offsides, bud!
- Comment on Post your Servernames! 10 months ago:
My home assistant is on an old laptop, so obviously it’s names HAL 9000.
- Comment on Glance - "A minimal dashboard that puts all the information you care about in one place" 10 months ago:
Once you prize your son off helldivers, you should play helldivers.
In all seriousness, homarr now has some fledgling home assistant integration, and I saw a really slick showcase in the discord where someone was using home assistant pages in iframes (mobile view) within a overall homarr page (desktop view).
- Comment on self hosted newbie question about moCA router 10 months ago:
You can also just look and the model number of your rental and buy that.
- Comment on Pause alerts during the night 10 months ago:
I can do this on android 10.
- Comment on 10 Commandmends for a digital age 1 year ago:
Drivers and road design.
- Comment on 10 Commandmends for a digital age 1 year ago:
How do you figure? Red light cameras decrease frequency and severity of crashed at signalized intersections.
There is some increase in rear ended, but those are much less severe than right angle or pedestrian collisions.
Cities adjusting the dilemma zone, or increasing speed limit; is a problem with revenue usage of red light cameras; and revenues should be going to victim funds. It also seems to be a uniquely USA problem? That could be a taxation and funding source issue.
- Comment on 10 Commandmends for a digital age 1 year ago:
I take argument with #5 as a concept.
My region is against speed and red light cameras out of freedom and privacy arguments; so people get slaughtered by cars instead.
Fine for selfhosting though.
- Comment on Services to host on a retired laptop? 1 year ago:
I use my laptop server for babybuddy so I can take it with me. Then if I find there’s a service I really want I the go, it gets loaded there as well.
- Comment on Betavolt's miniature battery could spell the end of smartphone chargers 1 year ago:
Time zones
- Comment on what if your cloud=provider gets hacked ? 1 year ago:
Yeah absolutely, but tonyou as an individual , it’s the same net effect of your cloud backup is lost. Just re-up your local backup to a different cloud provider.
- Comment on what if your cloud=provider gets hacked ? 1 year ago:
A data cloud backup loss should be fine, because it’s a backup. Just re-up your local backup to a new cloud/second physical location, that’s the whole point of two.
I don’t see a need to run two conccurent cloud backups.
- Comment on Possible headcanon reason why consoles always explode on the bridge 1 year ago:
Consoles are rigged with explosives to keep the lower decks in line.
- Comment on Squadrick cloned and I love it so I dockerized it 1 year ago:
In all my use cases I want share notes between devices and/or users, but very cool!
Added to my archive incase i think of a use-case later.
- Comment on How much does it matter where my domain registrar is located? 1 year ago:
Dead google products are just failed advertising attempts.
- Comment on I'm watching Wargames(1983), could local people have heard the missile doors opening during a test? 1 year ago:
In short, very isolated. At least 8km for the nearest town, which are normally tiny.
Here’s a subset of launch sites as an example :…/u-s-nuclear-missile-silo-fie…
The is purposely done, both for security of the sites themselves, and security of people who would happen to live near sites.
- Comment on Self Hostable Alternative to Galarm? 1 year ago:
I’m not sure self-hosted is what you need, perhaps just a FOSS app for your two phones?
Alternatively Home Assistant should be able to push alarms to your phones.
- Comment on Stuck at 0% Progress with qBittorrent on Torrent/Media Server Setup - Seeking Help and Insights 1 year ago:
File permissions would be my best guess.
- Comment on LinkedIn lunacy 1 year ago:
Smeagle is a Star Trek : TNG fan.
- Comment on Clear proof that peer reviewers are "in fact the midwit, careerist paradigm enforcers." 1 year ago:
Those two authors really like finding shit that looks like other shit on the moon.
- Comment on Emergency remote access in to tailnet 1 year ago:
That’s my luggage combo too!
- Comment on They’ve grown up online. So why are our kids not better at detecting misinformation? 1 year ago:
You don’t need a full penetration of psychology degrees, just a sufficient amount.
The specific field is marketing psychology, it’s a subset of industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology.
- Comment on It's Hard to Stay Motivated 1 year ago:
I wish I knew this before I started.
But my headless Ubuntu is working now, so I am not changing it.
- Comment on This one-page calendar will change how you view the year 1 year ago:
Most of us need to refer to a calendar quite frequently to know what calendar date (day, month, year) corresponds to which day of the week
I do not do this frequently. It is maybe 2.5% of the reason I use a calendar. Am I an outlier?
My use cases of a calendar:
Daily: confirming activities for the day
~Bi-daily: setting an appointment with someone else.
Weekly: confirming activities for the week, and slotting in other activities.
Monthly: long range scheduling (includes the target use case, but needs other information to be worthwhile)
Annually: Transfer persistent events to following year calendar and archival. (Target use case, but only for events that are not linked to a specific date. Also requires additional information).
- Comment on Just wanted to share my new dashboard 1 year ago:
Semble qu’il soit Homarr?
- Comment on Ergaster - I don't want to host services (but I do) 1 year ago:
I found out my Plex went down when I got a call from a family member I didn’t give a login to.
My brother-in-
I do not fix things on your schedule.
Now everyone is getting individual authentications, so who knows how many other leechers you just cut off.
- Comment on How do names of countries get translated? What is the reason why Nippon/Nihon is called Japan or Ellada is called Greece in English? 1 year ago:
Because they thought it was full of greasy bastards?