- Comment on Startup will brick $800 emotional support robot for kids without refunds 2 months ago:
They sometimes use the IP of others and it can be a real headache or impossible to get permission from everyone.
- Comment on Update: Bitwarden posted to X this evening to reaffirm that it's a "packaging bug" and that "Bitwarden remains committed to the open source licensing model." 4 months ago:
I have not tried Linux Mint though I have been thinking about it for a long time. My best bet is to make the experience so close that she doesn’t have to do anything different. She’s a bit burned out on all my tinkering.
- Comment on Update: Bitwarden posted to X this evening to reaffirm that it's a "packaging bug" and that "Bitwarden remains committed to the open source licensing model." 4 months ago:
I find myself unable to explain it. I had it earlier but I am tired and frustrated and not thinking clearly. And if I am unable to explain it then it doesn’t really matter.
- Comment on Update: Bitwarden posted to X this evening to reaffirm that it's a "packaging bug" and that "Bitwarden remains committed to the open source licensing model." 4 months ago:
She knows Windows. I have thought of asking again but Linux isn’t exactly known for user friendliness, no matter the distro and WM.
I agree with using FOSS when feasible.
- Comment on Update: Bitwarden posted to X this evening to reaffirm that it's a "packaging bug" and that "Bitwarden remains committed to the open source licensing model." 4 months ago:
I don’t disagree with you. It’s just that it’s not black and white. Your boss says no, you don’t try to go around. My wife says that she will only use Windows, yes dear. I use Debian, Raspbian, Windows 10, and Windows 11. Windows 10 feels the most comfortable and has the best compatibility. But yeah, I’m not a fanboi.
- Comment on Update: Bitwarden posted to X this evening to reaffirm that it's a "packaging bug" and that "Bitwarden remains committed to the open source licensing model." 4 months ago:
Or I can determine multiple interpretations. I’m a master at puns and that takes the ability to detect alternative meanings or phrasing and how they can relate to each one. “If you’re not patient you might become one.”
- Comment on Update: Bitwarden posted to X this evening to reaffirm that it's a "packaging bug" and that "Bitwarden remains committed to the open source licensing model." 4 months ago:
Even if they are backtracking with egg on their face
Your comment can be read in more than one way.
- Comment on Update: Bitwarden posted to X this evening to reaffirm that it's a "packaging bug" and that "Bitwarden remains committed to the open source licensing model." 4 months ago:
I’m not sure how it could be a bug but I notice a lot of complaining(1) and calls to move to KeePass. It reminds me of the complaining(1) about Windows and how everyone should move to Linux. Lemmy was itching to torch BitWarden. We seem to have a mob mentality, with little ability to consider possible explanations and multiple factors.
- I’m tempted to put bitching.
- Comment on Update: Bitwarden posted to X this evening to reaffirm that it's a "packaging bug" and that "Bitwarden remains committed to the open source licensing model." 4 months ago:
Are they backtracking when they have stated that it’s a bug?
- Comment on Firefox rolls out Total Cookie Protection by default to all desktop users worldwide | It is Firefox’s strongest privacy protection to date, confining cookies to the site where they were created 5 months ago:
Firefox did an add-on genocide years ago and it obviously didn’t hurt them in the long run.
- Comment on Elon Musk wants to implant millions of people with Neuralink brain chips 6 months ago:
And an earworm.
- Comment on Elon Musk wants to implant millions of people with Neuralink brain chips 6 months ago:
“include streaming music directly to the brain”
Music is misspelled. It’s ads, not music.
- Comment on Why is DNS often joked about in the I.T. Industry? 6 months ago:
What do you think about
- Comment on Let's blame the dev who pressed "Deploy" 7 months ago:
His next job might look at his job history and suddenly decide that the position is no longer available.
- Comment on Let's blame the dev who pressed "Deploy" 7 months ago:
And the guy now works for CrowdStrike. That’s ironic.
- Comment on 7 months ago:
There are two Brewster Rockit strips that are applicable here.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
The pandemic that was caused by poor people hunting wild animals to sell their meat to make a living? Gosh darn, I wonder what we could have done to make it so these people wouldn’t have to resort to that to make a living.
What the poor people were doing happened in another country and therefore there was nothing that we could have done to change their way of life. We can’t dictate to China how they treat their citizens.
- Comment on Forgot to pay my domain for a year and now I have to spend £2200 ($3000) if I want to get it back 7 months ago:
Bots would help but have their own problems.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Nothing. That happened in another country. Also, hunting wild animals to sell the meat has been a thing for millennia.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Perhaps 10%. Taxes at one point went up to 90%. Some companies do need more, especially small businesses. As for not needing to subsidize anyone, when the pandemic struck and the checks went out a lot of people paid bills (I managed to get rid of my student loan debt, with help) but many went on spending sprees and some of those still couldn’t pay rent. Wealth distribution isn’t as great as it sounds and I’m on SSDI.
- Comment on Forgot to pay my domain for a year and now I have to spend £2200 ($3000) if I want to get it back 7 months ago:
So search for a lot of domains at random to cost them some money?
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
So he should get the address of every single person in the country and divide his money equally among every single person and have no money for himself? Maybe only keep the same amount for himself that each other person is getting? That’s ~342 million people. Give them $3 each and no more billionaire. Worth $10B? $30 for each person.
Elon Musk is the wealthiest person in the USA and is worth $251B. $750/person would help for rent for one month. You could take money away from babies and maybe get a full month, maybe two.
Jeff Bezos is next at $161B. That’s about $480/person.
Of course, this means that their money is gone. No golden goose. Do you think that they should subsidize every person in the country?
- Comment on Why is Intel failing to Nvidia and AMD? 7 months ago:
They put a MBA in charge, which are notorious for only caring about short term results with the most amount of money. MBA + public company = bad long term.
- Comment on Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads 9 months ago:
I agree. Whether they claim that it’s to reduce bloat or to get people to create a Samsung account, they really should have included… as core functionality. You should also look at…
- Comment on Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads 9 months ago:
Have you tried Samsung Thermal Guardian?
- Comment on Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads 9 months ago:
The longer a business is around the more people that get replaced and the new people are going to be different and which leads to a change in culture and objectives. So basically the name is the same but everything else is different, including what the company produces (since products seldom don’t change).
If the company goes public then there’s definitely going to be a complete change since shareholders will demand as much profit as they can get, no matter how or what the consequences can be. They may complain about Prime Video showing ads when they pause a movie yet demand that Amazon give them a stronger return on their investment.
That’s a bit long-winded. I have a Samsung Galaxy phone (and watch) and have been tempted to see about using a custom ROM (I jailbroke most of my phones) but it’s my daily driver and I’m leery of messing up.
- Comment on Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads 9 months ago:
The OS seems to enforce this but is above my pay grade. A custom ROM no doubt would work.
- Comment on Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads 9 months ago:
Possession of stolen items and/or child porn is all that is required, no matter the reason. Crypto mining would probably be considered a you problem, unless your phone is owned by an employer. Each app has its own storage and can access shared storage.…/storage
Access to data directories on internal storage
Android 9 (API level 28) started to restrict which apps could make the files in their data directories on internal storage world-accessible to other apps. Apps that target Android 9 or higher cannot make the files in their data directories world-accessible.
Android 11 expands upon this restriction. If your app targets Android 11, it cannot access the files in any other app’s data directory, even if the other app targets Android 8.1 (API level 27) or lower and has made the files in its data directory world-readable.
- Comment on Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads 9 months ago:
- Comment on Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads 9 months ago:
No*. You can add providers which will automatically check for and download (all of) the available subtitles and it can automatically check for new and updated ones so that you don’t need to. It can also do synchronization and modifications like fixing uppercase and OCR. It greatly reduces the amount of work that you have to do.
*I just checked the provider and it has an option for AI translated subtitles in search results.