We Avoid Temptation But It Keeps Finding Us
- Comment on BACK IT UP 3 months ago:
“There are a lot of ingredients in cosmetics, hair care and sunscreen that can act as endocrine mimickers in a lab, meaning they kind of act like a hormone,” Waldman explains.
But He stresses that, when it comes to chemical sunscreen ingredients, the potential link largely comes from animal studies that likely don’t translate to humans. For instance, in many studies, researchers are feeding large amounts of these ingredients to mice, He explains, which is “not really comparable to a human situation.” - Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Ideally both.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Why not just get a water filter?
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Citation needed
- Comment on How do you go about evaluating sources of information for truth/credibility/etc.? 3 months ago:
This is not exactly what you’re talking about but it’s close and actually is available on the web: check out the camera feeds from ISS. Pretty incredible to just watch the world literally go by.
- Comment on Call me 3 months ago:
As others have said the paper is fake but 813 is a real area code, specifically Tampa, Florida.
- Comment on Someday, when society goes fully paperless, paper cuts will be a thing of the past 5 months ago:
I’ve baked enough bread to know that sounds awful
- Comment on Magsafe Steering Wheel! (For racing games) 5 months ago:
My point was, and remains, that if you’re gonna comment on this dude’s cool thing he made, maybe try not to be a pedantic asshat when the aforementioned dude who created the cool thing essentially calls it Loctite instead of thread locker.
- Comment on Magsafe Steering Wheel! (For racing games) 5 months ago:
It sticks to his phone via a 3rd party magsafe adapter, presumably like the one I have on my phone to mount a popsocket and shit
- Comment on Magsafe Steering Wheel! (For racing games) 5 months ago:
Magsafe is the marketing term for a specific layout and design of magnets for a specific purpose that is crucial to the function of the cool AF thing OP made, which you didn’t bother mentioning at all…
- Comment on Is Elder Scrolls 6 doomed to fail? I can't see how it will work 5 months ago:
In the far field that is Starfield
You spend time with Martian Marines
Until you turn to
collecting succulents and tangerinesThis was generated with the help of c. Sativa, not AI
- Comment on Centipedes Don't Fuck 6 months ago:
Assuming this is actually representative of the difference, it was definitely a pair of centipedes.
I’m not surprised in the least that at a minimum it’s more complicated than the meme suggests, and now I’ve learned far more about centipedes than I ever wanted to. Thanks!
- Comment on Centipedes Don't Fuck 6 months ago:
Ok now I’m curious about what the fuck the two centipedes I found in my basement that I thought were fucking were actually doing. They sure looked like they were fucking.
- Comment on I know Mormons can't have alcohol, but couldn't they just dip their tongue in a glass of beer and not move it? 6 months ago:
In my experience, a lot of “devoutly” religious people are like this.
I grew up Independent Fundamental Baptist (westboro, but less vocally homophobic) and my dad told me a few years ago he secretly kept a stash of alcohol in the garage while he was quite aggressively teaching that the Bible expressly forbade consumption of alcohol that could get you drunk because of a long argument that basically amounts to “Paul said so.” (The proper response to that is “fuck Paul”, obv. Paul was an asshat.)
You can twist anything into anything if you try hard enough, and they’re really good at it.
- Comment on Common low-calorie sweetener may be riskier for the heart than sugar, study suggests 6 months ago:
n=20. This is wayyyy too small a study to draw conclusions beyond “more research required”.
- Comment on 3 New AI Features Rolling out to Chrome Users on Linux 6 months ago:
I keep it installed for the odd site that requires it and because Firefox still doesn’t support WebSerial.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 7 months ago:
Fallout London mostly. It was a pain to install and it crashes occasionally but it’s so much fun.
- Comment on I want to donate old work shirts, but I don't want people to be mistaken for employees there. How do I remove the logos? 7 months ago:
If it’s just HF and you didn’t sign any paperwork on the matter when you worked there, it’s probably fine. If you signed paperwork, consult an attorney yadda yadda yadda.
It’d be one thing if you worked in an industry where those uniforms might give you actual access somewhere (police, fire, EMS, etc), but this is not that.
- Comment on Fallout London - Official Launch Trailer Premiere 7 months ago:
They’re just using Gog as a CDN essentially. They have instructions to grab the downloaded files and zip them into a normal mod format so you can install them however you want.
- Comment on Fallout: London | Trailer 7 months ago:
The more relevant section is here
“It’s not uncommon for larger game companies like Bethesda to have mixed reactions to fan-made projects of this scale, we saw this with things such as Fallout: The Frontier,” says Carter, referencing the game-sized mod for Fallout: New Vegas that launched in 2021. “They often tolerate projects’ like ours’ existence as long as they don’t infringe on their intellectual property or negatively impact their brand.”
That said, I agree with you. The Frontier had issues because they put problematic shit in their mod. Bethesda has explicitly given shoutouts to Sim Settlements (I’m pretty sure there’s others) in the recent past.
- Comment on No Man's Sky - Worlds Part I is out now and drastically transforms the planets 7 months ago:
They’ve been adding gameplay for years. Maybe you should actually take a look and see.
- Comment on Escape from Tarkov is offering players in-game currency as a bounty for reporting cheaters 8 months ago:
Now that you mention it, isn’t AI essentially worse crowdsourcing?
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
This is likely a question for an attorney tbh. You’re not asking a technical question, you want to know if EA will sue the shit out of you.
I personally wouldn’t risk it, but I’m not an attorney yadda yadda yadda
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 6 comments