- Comment on Mental health day 2 hours ago:
That made me think of the screaming choir from Finland. He says
Do people need to shout? Yes, that is necessary. Human being comes to this world, it’s the first thing they do.
It feels good to go to a concert and just scream your head off.
- Comment on Council housing when? 1 day ago:
Were you pretty sure the price would go down, or did you just roll the dice? I’ve watched prices at the places I’ve lived, and they only ever seem to go up. As in, I’m paying $1600, about to get raised to $1800, and the unit next door is listed for $1900. But one place used RealPage, and I would bet the other one used something like that too.
- Comment on It is weird to see the voice actors from long-running shows having aged because their characters look and sound the same as they did a decade ago. 2 weeks ago:
Yeah. The voice stays young if you take care of it and are healthy. You can be 60 and sound like 30.
- Comment on Does Aphantasia exist for senses other than vision? 3 weeks ago:
It’s not exactly the same for me, but it’s pretty close. Sometimes it’s a little more faded. Just depends on what it is. Sound, on the other hand, I can picture that loud and clear.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Well I’ll be. 20 times their body length.
- Comment on Learn to play piano like a pro in 30 days! 5 months ago:
Yeah. Those keys on the piano are E and F. You can see those notes in the sheet music for the title track. Those long rows of notes are a bunch of E’s and F’s.
If you hit the play button in the bottom left corner, you can hear a computer-generated version of the song. Real version here.
- Comment on Should i be giving a shit about my posture? 5 months ago:
Good posture also helps you breathe better, which can help you feel more energized and concentrate better. Your diaphragm doesn’t work right when you sit hunched over, so your breath gets more shallow.
If you ever need to talk a lot for work or some other reason, good posture is essential so your voice sounds good and doesn’t get tired too easily.
And it helps strengthen your core, which is good for balance and other things.
- Comment on TikTok pushed far-right AfD party on young voters in Germany 7 months ago:
Maybe it depends on what you watch. I use Youtube for music (only things that I search for) and sometimes live streams of an owl nest or something like that.
If I stick to that, the recommendations are sort of OK. Usually stuff I watched before. Little to no clickbait or random topics.
I clicked on one reaction video to a song I listened to just to see what would happen. The recommendations turned into like 90% reaction videos, plus a bunch of topics I’ve never shown any interest in. U.S. politics, the death penalty in Japan, gaming, Brexit, some Christian hymns, and brand new videos on random topics.
- Comment on Is anyone having problems viewing images on Tusky? 1 year ago:
I checked just now and it’s normal for me. I don’t know if the instance matters, but I’m on