- Comment on The phrase "Pics or it didn't happen" is largely meaningless now that AI is a thing. 5 months ago:
They could make it difficult to open up the camera and extract its signing key, but only one person has to do it successfully for the entire system to be unusable.
In theory you could have a central authority that keeps track of cameras that have had their keys used for known-fake images, but then you’re trusting that authority not to invalidate someone’s keys for doing something they disagree with, and it still wouldn’t prevent someone from buying a camera, extracting its key themselves, and making fraudulent images that way.
- Comment on ICANN approves use of .internal domain for your network 6 months ago:
Maybe browsers could be configured to automatically accept the first certificate they see for a given .internal domain, and then raise a warning if it ever changes, probably with a special banner to teach the user what an .internal name means the first time they see it
- Comment on FCC gets tough: Telcos must now tell you when your personal info is stolen | Yep, cell carriers didn’t have to do this before 1 year ago:
Every sale to every individual buyer requires separate handwritten notice, each individually attached to a copy of the privacy policy and the data sold, notarized and sent by certified mail in triplicate, with postage paid by the sender. Make it cost so much that the entire industry becomes obsolete.
- Comment on Apple is sending out checks for ‘batterygate’ class action claims 1 year ago:
Personally I would rather they had to make phones a little thicker again to include a properly sealed battery compartment, the new ones look very nice but it’s too hard to get a decent grip without accidentally bumping the edge of the screen.
Maybe the whole back side of the phone is the battery, and the two sides are independently watertight? The charger port and usb controller could be on the battery too, that way you can replace it if it breaks or you want to be compatible with a new fast charging specification, and you could charge it independently if you have more than one.
- Comment on Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles 1 year ago:
The pancreas is an organ which produces a hormone called insulin, which regulates the intake of sugar from the blood.
In type 1 diabetics, the pancreas has been damaged by an autoimmune reaction, so they need to monitor their blood sugar and administer insulin to the blood using external equipment.
This can be done manually with a needle and glucose monitor for measuring blood sugar, and a syringe for administering insulin, or an insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor, which adhere to the skin and have continuous access to the blood through a cannula.
Being able to administer insulin without a needle or cannula would eliminate a common point of failure in this system. The cannula of an insulin pump can easily become dislodged from the skin when disturbed and leak insulin onto the surface, resulting in high blood sugar and wasted insulin.
- Comment on Yes 1 year ago:
Oh yeah definitely, Apache is way better for anything remotely serious.
- Comment on Yes 1 year ago:
I know about the CGI standard, but mine does things a little differently (executable files don’t just render pages but also handle logging, access control, etc. when put in special positions within a directory), so I still think it was worth the afternoon i spent making it.
- Comment on Yes 1 year ago:
Maybe I’ll finally move it into a VM so I can ssend a link to it here without getting pwned :P
- Comment on Yes 1 year ago:
i thought it was neat how php lets you write your website’s logic with the same directory tree pattern that clients consume it from, but i didn’t want to learn php so i made my own, worse version
- Comment on Yes 1 year ago:
doesn’t work on NixOS since bash is in the nix store somewhere,#!/usr/bin/env bash
resolves the correct location regardless of where bash is - Comment on Yes 1 year ago:
I’ve taken some precautions, it’s running in a container as an unprivileged user and the only writable mount is the directory where make writes rendered pages, but i probably should move it into a vm if i want to be completely safe lol
- Comment on Yes 1 year ago:
my website’s backend is made with bash, it calls make for every request and it probably has hundreds remote arbitrary code execution bugs that will get me pwned someday, it’s great
- Comment on Pokemon Company believes there might be a chance for more detective Pikachu games 1 year ago:
the only good part of the last one was the mac-'n-cheese-induced divorce flashback, somehow that doesn’t give me hope for the future of the series
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
the last game I played was Duskers, so I’m probably either immediately dying in the vacuum of space or trapped in a derelict space station without any power.
- Comment on Netflix to open branded retail stores for some reason 1 year ago:
if they sold DVDs of Netflix’s shows that would actually be pretty nice, but I doubt they would be OK with allowing anyone to actually own their media.
- Comment on Apple considered switching to DuckDuckGo from Google for Safari - Bloomberg News 1 year ago:
Every good result they serve you could have been an ad, so they’re incentivised to replace as many with ads as possible.
- Comment on Uber: EU rules will see us pull out of “hundreds” of European cities — Brussels’ proposal to classify gig workers as de facto employees could slam the breaks on operations across the bloc 1 year ago:
Good, if someone is selling their labor they should be protected as an employee.
- Comment on All of Japan's Toyota Assembly Plants Shut Down for a Day Because Their Server Ran Out of Disk Space 1 year ago:
I think you missed a letter…