- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 1 week ago:
My brother despises bug phones and cannot tell the truth…
- Comment on Linux royalty backs adoption of Rust for kernel code 2 weeks ago:
There was a “Lindows” back in the day…
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 3 weeks ago:
Accelerationists are a blight. That sucks.
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 3 weeks ago:
There’s also the “vote to hurt people I don’t like” group:
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
Roll? Or is this some kind of lie I’m not Khajiit enough to understand?
- Comment on Post your setup. no matter how uggo 3 months ago:
16TB btrfs (+ECC RAM) on Debian 12.
- Comment on I put on my robe and my wizard hat 3 months ago:
Is a Wish logarithm like…the Wish version of an algorithm?
- Comment on Wood smells like we should be able to eat it, but we can't. 7 months ago:
Don’t be bringing brass instruments into this…
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
So Bruce Springsteen wrote the original version of “Blinded By the Light”. But Manfred Mann’s version was the one that was a huge hit. And Mann’s version does say “wrapped up like a douche” (versus Springsteen saying “revved up like a duce”).
I saw an interview with Springsteen where he speculated that was the biggest writing mistake he’d made. If only he’d said “wrapped up like a douche”, maybe his version would have sold better.
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
Count the Emmys on your wall! Lay me down and tell me who’s the boss! I’m sure that Angela will never know!
- Comment on is there a set top media player that doesn't require an online account? 7 months ago:
I do have one, yes. I’m not currently using it, but if I recall it is basically vanilla OSMC, yes.
- Comment on is there a set top media player that doesn't require an online account? 7 months ago:
The Vero V isn’t too bad: osmc.tv/vero/ The hardware is decent, and the remote is surprisingly better than I expected.
- Comment on Had me for a while there 10 months ago:
Technically, Midway is considered uninhabited, so while I wouldn’t dream of telling them to fuck off, most census measurements already do…
- Comment on Had me for a while there 10 months ago:
And American Samoa.
- Comment on I finally found him 1 year ago:
Actually worked with this guy briefly. If I recall correctly this was from a decomm moving from a DC in Utah. Nice guy. Really good DC tech.