- Comment on GeoCities in 1995: Building a Home Page on the Internet 17 hours ago:
I had my personal website on Xoom! Man, I wish I could find a copy of it. There’s nothing from it on the Wayback Machine.
- Comment on Suffering is Real. AI Consciousness is Not. 2 weeks ago:
I recently started debating with myself why we don’t consider artificial intelligence genuine life. I begin with the most broad truth and work towards narrowing it down to get the most specific, essential truth.
So far, I believe that the fact we have emotion is probably the single biggest determining factor in whether we are truly alive, or other words, really a form of life… More specifically, intelligent life.
Can anyone build on this? Maybe try to find a slightly narrower definition of why we believe we are alive and AI isn’t?.. And what about humans born without any functional emotions whatsoever, ie severe cases of sociopaths, psychopaths, etc. Does that mean they’re not?
- Comment on With Shared Software, Landlords Are Teaming Up to Raise Rents 6 months ago:
If there aren’t laws for crimes against the economy, there should be.
- Comment on Google lays off hundreds of 'Core' employees, moves some positions to India and Mexico 10 months ago:
There needs to be a tech workers union. The abuse from employers needs to end. Especially the endless free overtime.
- Comment on New 'Mind-Reading' AI Translates Thoughts Directly From Brainwaves – Without Implants 1 year ago:
This is definitely progress, but we need to keep in mind that the particular language a person speaks can significantly influence how a person’s brain works.
- Comment on "I feel like I'm on a hamster wheel" — US cost of living has skyrocketed since 2020 1 year ago:
This concept needs to spread. Those record profitisand the consolidation of wealth is a real-life exploit (a hack) of capitalism. These types of situations were never intended by the visionaries that designed capitalism. This entire clusterfuck of 1% having 99% of the money was never intended by design, nor seemed like a plausible situation to need to design protections for when the economy started getting destroyed by this situation. As the sickness of greed among policymakers grew, they punched holes in the system in order to exploit the mechanics of the capitalism to collect virtually limitless money while simultaneously denying other less privileged people not “in the know” the chance to do the same.
Does anyone remember the original Super Mario Brothers, where you could get crowns, basically giving you more lives than you could possibly use? These capitalist hackers found a way to get crowns at the expense of the 99%, and nobody has any clue or organized any way to stop this hack/exploit from ruining it for everyone else.
- Comment on Why does it seem like women are more wont to make noise in sexual situations while men don't? 1 year ago:
Because of this :…/Female_copulatory_vocalization…
- Comment on Are there any recurring charges (or other downsides) that come with having a driver's license but not owning a car or regularly driving? 1 year ago:
I’m very familiar with Florida’s rules about this. The scenario you’re worried about is if you have a license and a car registered and tagged (license plate) at the DMV. If you have a valid license plate and no insurance, the DMV either wants the valid plate back, or you’re forced to get car insurance, or else your driver’s license will be suspended. They do this to prevent uninsured people from driving around with valid tags (license plates), basically by getting insurance, registering the vehicle with the DMV to get a valid plate, and then canceling the insurance, in order to “appear” like a valid driver.
Additionally, if you have a vehicle in your driveway and no valid license plate, you can be cited by the local government’s code enforcement department, for having an unregistered (junk) vehicle in your driveway. I don’t remember exactly what the citation was for, but I’ve received one when I was young and first getting into the car hobby. I think you’re ok if you have a car cover. I’m a car enthusiast and I have always had multiple vehicles, and have been told by my city I had to either register the car, get it out of view (I think getting it covered up with a car cover counts, but they really want you to put it in a garage), or get rid of it. Some municipalities don’t care, some care and don’t enforce it, and some do enforce this.