Look upon my works ye mighty and despair
- Comment on Who was our worst Prime Minister and why? Any notable state leaders we need to add? 3 months ago:
I thought trump was our new prime minister?
Nah for real though, I don’t even know who our pm is. After the fiasco a few years ago where we chopped and changed over and over i gave up.
So certainly one of those 3
- Comment on Tiger Predators 3 months ago:
Well if they’ve had enough they should stop eating.
It will help with the fat
- Comment on Not allowed to work from home 4 months ago:
Yeah great law, really put the breaks on my old boss. He would email and call at like 10pm at night about shit.
Now I work for myself and can’t get away from my boss haba
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
I love the steam chat, as someone who doesn’t use discord very often at all. Having the chat is an easy to too flick a message off to someone while i play
- Comment on NASA moon orbiter spots crash site of Russia's failed Luna-25 lander (photos) 1 year ago:
I really would not be surprised if they had put a person on that mission in secret. With the hopes of making them a hero and show how great Ruzzia is.
- Comment on Is there a way to hide your activity? 1 year ago:
You didn’t, did you?
- Comment on Dog love belly scritches because they can't scritch their own bellies 1 year ago:
I’m pretty sure its something to do with the mounting during sexy times.
- Comment on PC Game Recommendation for a Broken Arm? 1 year ago:
Baulders Gate 3 is prettt mouse heavy. Dont need to use the keyboard much at all. You can also set the screen to scroll with the mouse.
Not to mention its the biggest game out now
- Comment on Solar panels on water canals seem like a no-brainer. So why aren't they widespread? 1 year ago:
Yeah just makes sense, they just need some way to funnel rain water into them too still.
That itself is not hard either.
Dams too, rather then those little black balls ontop of the water a large solar array could help stop evaporation while still letting water collection happen
- Comment on Fable Studios created an AI-generated episode of South Park... during a Hollywood strike over AI. 1 year ago:
If that’s really from the show I’m amazed. That seems super self aware, <laughs nervously>