- Comment on Verizon screwup caused 911 outage in 6 states—carrier agrees to $1M fine 8 months ago:
But it’s not the first time. A couple examples:
theverge.com/…/fcc-verizon-att-mobile-carriers-91… arstechnica.com/…/fcc-blasts-verizon-for-911-outa…
My highest upvoted comment on reddit was actually in a thread joking about fees to recoup the fine, suggesting they’d call it a “911 Memorial Fee”.
- Comment on A Half-Life bug introduced by Windows 2000 just got fixed at last 1 year ago:
Developers are out of control, shipping this buggy crap. Last time I play a game without the year 25 patch.
- Comment on Let's play a game. How would you reboot The Jetsons if you were tasked with doing so. 1 year ago:
You’re right. I don’t think it can be successfully made, today.
- Comment on Let's play a game. How would you reboot The Jetsons if you were tasked with doing so. 1 year ago:
I feel like I’d be compelled to go fairly dark with it. When The Jetsons was made, it was largely a period of optimism and prosperity in the US. That is most certainly no longer the case, with the middle class pretty much having evaporated, and so many people struggling to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.
I think I’d probably focus on the company store construct, that has become the foundation of capitalist society. Where everything you earn is due to the good will of those you’re obligated to give it back to. In a world with all sorts of wonderful technology, for most, it exists solely to make your toils for the sake of others more efficient.
I don’t see how the optimism of The Jetsons can exist today, at least not without mocking the hell out of it.