- Comment on The upside of the cyberpunk dystopia 1 week ago:
I’ve bought books from here, lol. Hi, VCU.
- Comment on are terfs actual feminists or do most transphobic women just call themselves that? 2 weeks ago:
This is the correct answer.
- Comment on Is there any way I can realistically send a message to Donald Trump and have him read it? 4 weeks ago:
No, but the FBI agent assigned to you will.
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 1 month ago:
Beating Link’s Awakening as a kid. No internet no hints or help just hours of exploring when I was stuck on a puzzle. It’s so hard for me to get lost in a video game like that now and not just reach for an answer or check the internet to see what I’m doing wrong. It’s a shame now, I know links awakening now like the back of my hand and I’ll never get to explore a first play through of that game ever again.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
If I was in the jury I could be persuaded to push for jury nullification.
- Comment on Can someone give me an overview on the Jill Stein situation? 4 months ago:
Funnily enough in 2016 I looked into her platform after Bernie was pushed out. And honestly I agreed with just about everything she was running on, except for one thing. She was pushing anti vax stuff and it was enough for me not to vote for her. I feel that strongly about vaccines and public health concerns.
Her intentions is not to be a spoiler, she’s not, she’s filled all the legal requirements to run for office of president and is allowed to be on the ballot. She is just getting a lot of attention in this current race because the margin is razor thin between the two main line candidates and that has people nervous Kamala could lose like Hillary did in 2016.
Personally as an independent voter that feels continually ignored by the by the right and left, third parties can be an attractive choice for some. Honestly, if the left or right want to court my vote they could produce better candidates. Let me say Kamala is a great choice, my issue is how she got there. I feel if Biden had decided to not run for reelection before election campaigning started and allowed other democrats to throw their hat in the ring it would have the appearance of a properly run election cycle for democrats. As for republicans they need to drop trump and his brand of mean spirited politics and have an honest return to the middle right vs where they are now at the far right. Anyways those are my thoughts on Jill Stein, third parties and the left and right. I already did early voting so my choice is done, if you care at all about the direction this country is going or needs to go, GO FUCKING VOTE! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GO VOTE!
I had that all written and had one last thought. Now I do actually think Stein could spoil NC, she is on the ballot and the person most likely to win the governor in NC also has the last name Stein. A conversation I actually had while standing in line with an aging neighbor, she has a tough time getting around and asked if I’d take her early voting when I was going absolutely not a problem. But in line looking over a sample ballot I had to explain to her that Jill Stein and Josh Stein are not related in any way. So the fact there are two Stein’s on the ballot might make it confusing for some voters. Ok enough out of me, go vote.
- Comment on Happy 12 million! 5 months ago:
Happy you’re all here!
- Comment on How can you make sure the ashes you get after a loved one dies is actually theirs? 5 months ago:
Pretty sure there’s going to be tight controls and a state licensing board (at least in the US can’t speak for other countries) that set standards and codes for the handling of remains to when they are returned to the family.
Yeah just checked for the state I’m in lots of licenses and regulations. But I guess there’s nothing stopping in unscrupulous funeral home from just giving ashes of anyone or anything, but pretty sure if you’re caught doing something like that you go to prison for fraud and miss handling of human remains.
- Comment on Elon Musk on pace to become world’s first trillionaire by 2027, report says 5 months ago:
Idk remember the whole largely untested sub knocking off a billionaire. I think there’s potential that billionaires think themselves indestructible because wealth will shield them somehow. I’m more than ok if Elon flies his ass to mars, I’m truly hopping it doesn’t go well for him. I mean to say best wishes Elon.
- Comment on Elon Musk on pace to become world’s first trillionaire by 2027, report says 5 months ago:
Can he hurry up and go to mars, I’m really banking on him not coming back.
- Comment on Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to WordPress 6 months ago:
The face I made when I read that title and it was not good.
- Comment on ENDLESS Legend is Currently Free to Claim on Steam 9 months ago:
Thanks for posting and letting me know.
- Comment on USA: The Minimum Wage Should Be $24 per Hour Not $7.25 10 months ago:
The federal government really did just give up on any actual changing of minimum wages and it’s very insane that that is the case.
- Comment on Terrifying reality of what airport security could actually see through an X-ray machine 10 months ago:
I just always figured when I went through one of those was someone was looking at my junk, pervs.
- Comment on If a universal basic income started today with the stipulation that you had to put 40 hrs/wk towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems, how would you spend your time? 10 months ago:
I would make art again.
- Comment on seems to have banned the largest piracy community on Lemmy. 11 months ago:
Yeah looks like I’ll have to.
- Comment on seems to have banned the largest piracy community on Lemmy. 11 months ago:
Did they really do it again, fucking hell. I came here for a better experience then Reddit and I feel like it’s starting to be a worse experience then Reddit. Transparency from admin my ass.
- Comment on Xbox Next-Gen Console Confirmed, Will be 'Largest Technical Leap in a Hardware Generation' 1 year ago:
Let me guess, something something AI.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Papers please is so much fun.
- Comment on Should Defederate with Threads 1 year ago:
- Comment on 41% of fediverse instances have blocked threads so far!!! 1 year ago:
- Comment on The perfect morning 1 year ago:
My kind of good morning is sleeping in not doing shit.
- Comment on YouTube warns it might make your viewing experience worse if you don't turn off your ad-blocker 1 year ago:
Oh no, so how will I be able to tell a difference?
- Comment on You are what you eat 1 year ago:
Steve IRL. For real this guy should be the lead in the Minecraft movie.
- Comment on Former Australian PM wins $715,000 settlement against Google/YouTube for enabling comedian and journalist Jordan Shanks aka FriendlyJordies to mock him 1 year ago:
Is this the same guy who tried killing the YouTuber? I don’t know if it was this one or another Australian YouTuber I’m thinking of.
- Comment on How does one resist getting into protracted arguments while still staying informed? 1 year ago:
My approach is gray rocking. I posted something on Mastodon and got reply from someone I knew was looking to argue with me by what he wrote. I just shut it by just replying, “yeah, sure, whatever you say.” Super dismissive, but letting it go in case he replies to that I can just keep replying, whatever you say.
- Comment on Some veteran YouTube staff think Shorts might ruin YouTube 1 year ago:
I don’t bemoan google wanting to compete, I just want to see it as a separate product from YouTube.
- Comment on Some veteran YouTube staff think Shorts might ruin YouTube 1 year ago:
I really wish they would make it it’s own thing and separate it from youtube.
- Comment on All 50 states with the same naming convention as West Virginia 1 year ago:
Virginia supremacy.