- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 weeks ago:
It’s very basic ‘think of the children’ rhetoric.
Our emotions are more easily manipulated in this way, because generally people are hard wired to protect babies and children.
So by associating trans people with paedophiles, right wingers are able to more easily hijack into what would otherwise be rational people. It also makes it more difficult to debate against because nobody wants to be labelled as someone who wants to hurt kids.
- Comment on Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find 1 year ago:
Yeah I’m the same. I’ve got DDG set as my default search, if the results aren’t useful then I go to google as backup.
- Comment on Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find 1 year ago:
Is it just me, or has autocorrect on phones also gotten way, way worse? When would I ever want to type ‘thbnks’?
- Comment on Why does the gaming community (among others) have to be so destructive and toxic? 1 year ago:
You see it across all kinds of media; whether it’s a song you like, or a game, or a film, or a TV show… If you dare to say online you’re a fan, someone will swiftly be along to inform you that your opinion is wrong, your show is bad, your taste is bad, and you should feel bad
I’ve started to give way less of a fuck about comments like that. Some people are very sad / small, and can only make themselves feel less so for a brief moment by trying to ruin the enjoyment of others. It’s OK not to like things, there’s plenty of things I don’t like 😁 but it’s fine to me if other people like those things, different strokes for different folks.
- Comment on Spotify doesn't make profit from music streaming, despite having over 400M monthly active users, because it pays two-thirds of all its revenue to the rights holders. 1 year ago:
Spotify iirc pays $0.003 per stream, so for 80m streams he’s got $24,000.
- Comment on An army of 100 million bots and deepfakes—buckle up for AI’s crash landing in the 2024 election 1 year ago:
We are as unready for this shit as we were for social media.
Genuinely concerned this will tip the balance enough for trump to win.
- Comment on How do you like this, sexists? 1 year ago:
I find talented / strong women to be hot as hell, is that sexist? I’d happily date a woman who can bench me.
- Comment on The state of open source SMS messagers 1 year ago:
I’m happy with my version of simple messenger, I’ve not updated it for a while… Am I good to keep using that? Can you explain more what you mean by selling out?
- Comment on Finally catching up with Lower Decks, just finished season 2 and I'm just floored by everything about this show 1 year ago:
I wasn’t expecting to love Lower Decks so much, knew I’d enjoy it but it really is incredible. Star Trek has always had a little sprinkling of goofiness but LD turns it up to 11!
The crossover episode is amazing too, didn’t realise how much the animators based the characters on the voice actors.
- Comment on Game devs should follow the BG3 development footprint 1 year ago:
I’m cautiously optimistic for Light No Fire. The main thing I learned from the NMS initial launch experience (am a day 1 player) is not to allow myself to get too hyped for games (this knowledge was cemented by the launch of CP2077 haha). And, you’d hope that Sean / HG learned also not to overpromise in terms of feature set… would hope they learned a hell of a lot from the long cycle of updating NMS.
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
That’s almost as far away as the moon! Therefore, the only logical explanation is ALIENS
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
Don’t worry I got what you were putting down. People can be very reactionary with their downvotes here, if your joke is too subtle it can fly over their heads.
It made me smirk! For my reference, how many zeros is that (I’m shit at maths but want to try and imagine such a long lever protruding into deep space)?
- Comment on English is weird 1 year ago:
Leigh can be pronounced like ‘Lee’ or ‘Lay’
- Comment on English is weird 1 year ago:
Yes, English is weird.
‘Bough’ and ‘cough’ are not pronounced the same. ‘bough’ and ‘bow’ are pronounced the same. ‘Knee’ and ‘Leigh’ are pronounced the same. ‘Neigh’ and ‘Nay’ are pronounced the same. ‘Polish’ (the nationality) and ‘polish’ (as in what you do to a metal object) are not pronounced the same. ‘Tear’ (as in to rip) and ‘tear’ (as in to cry) are spelled the same, but not pronounced the same. Other words which are spelled the same, but pronounced differently:
resume / resume present / present record / record close / close use / use live / live
- Comment on DNA nanobots can exponentially self-replicate: Tiny machines made from strands of DNA can build copies of themselves, leading to exponential replication. Similar devices could one day be used to cr... 1 year ago:
I found some of their comments quite interesting, they clearly think a lot. Don’t agree with everything they said but that’s life, people have different opinions.
I’m going to go with it being an ascii equivalent of the ‘namaste’ hand gesture and stop thinking about it 😅
- Comment on DNA nanobots can exponentially self-replicate: Tiny machines made from strands of DNA can build copies of themselves, leading to exponential replication. Similar devices could one day be used to cr... 1 year ago:
I saw a picture earlier of a baby hedgehog with its legs just like this. Probably not that though. Will OP ever release us from this mystery?
- Comment on DNA nanobots can exponentially self-replicate: Tiny machines made from strands of DNA can build copies of themselves, leading to exponential replication. Similar devices could one day be used to cr... 1 year ago:
Looks like steepled hands to me
- Comment on Scientists Have Reached a Key Milestone in Learning How to Reverse Aging 1 year ago:
Did you just assume my financial status?!
(you’re probably right)
- Comment on Scientists Have Reached a Key Milestone in Learning How to Reverse Aging 1 year ago:
This is fascinating research. I’m middle aged now, and hope I gain the benefit of treatments like this!
- Comment on It's like a foodie version of a fleeting love story. 1 year ago:
Alas, I moved to another part of the country last month, and I no longer speak to that friend, so it’s an impossible dream.
I’ll have to be content with the delicious memory.
- Comment on It's like a foodie version of a fleeting love story. 1 year ago:
I’ve had this before, except I was drunk, and it was a kebab.
I really, really do not like kebabs… my friend convinced me to get one. This kebab was like it had been sent from the heavens, I was in shock, never had I experienced a kebab like this.
The next day, I messaged my friend asking where we had the kebab… neither of us could remember. I had a vague idea of what the door looked like, we searched every time we were in the city centre for many years, but in vain.
- Comment on Reactionaries have you used the same talking points to shun progress throughout history. 1 year ago:
That war can end when Russia stops invading another country. Ukraine defending its citizens and territory is right and proper.
Where are you from?
- Comment on — Mrs. McMurray 1 year ago:
She has one of those faces that can look so different with a different hair / makeup combo, imo. I didn’t recognise her at all as Mrs McMurray, despite watching the entire Wynonna Earp series. Though I did have a “Hey, I’m sure I know her from something” feeling in Star Trek.
In all fairness I am a bit faceblind in general haha.
- Comment on I feel like I need a separate body towel (big towel), and 3 other small towels for hair, face, and hands. 4 towels in total. Is that normal? 1 year ago:
I had two towels at once for a while, as I’m quite hairy. One towel didn’t feel quite enough to get ne fully dry.
4 towels seems a bit much if I’m honest!
- Comment on So uhh.. how often should I be washing me towels? 1 year ago:
This is probably a key factor.
- Comment on The tech underpinning Star Citizen looks mighty impressive in new trailer 1 year ago:
Thanks for the extra info! I’m going to get a proper cooler for my cpu soon, once that’s fitted I’ll definitely jump back in and see what it’s like now.
Squadron 42 seems to be really, really close to release. I expect that will add a meaty play loop layer (assuming it dies actually come out at some point)
- Comment on The tech underpinning Star Citizen looks mighty impressive in new trailer 1 year ago:
Wow. Absolutely stunning. I’d like to know the specs of the PC this was made with… But people in comments claiming the game is more cpu heavy than gpu, and can run ok on something like 1080ti / 2070s.
I tried star citizen a few years ago and couldn’t get into it… Too buggy, difficult, no real gameplay loop. So those are still my concerns, but it’s looking as if the insane level of investment and ‘feature creep’ might be about to pay off. This really does make Starfield look even more of a freshly pressed turd.
- Comment on Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games 1 year ago:
Terry Pratchett isn’t re-editing anything, he sadly is no longer with us.
- Comment on YSK that SLS, an ingredient added to most commercial toothpastes, causes canker sores 1 year ago:
SLS is in SO many products. Switching to a shampoo free from sulphates cured my dandruff and halted my hair loss.
Surprise, not rubbing surfactant into your scalp makes it healthier haha
- Comment on Brexit backer Dyson says hypocrisy claim over HQ move to Singapore 'incredibly harmful' 1 year ago:
Didn’t know they were made in Somerset, my love for them grows