The Gals Who Always Say Insane Things (Shiretto Sugee Koto Iteru Gal) - Chapter 9
Submitted 10 months ago by to
Submitted 10 months ago by to 10 months ago
This is a good one.
This chapter impressed me enough I went back and started from the beginning, and by the time I got halfway theough chapter 2 and they were blithely hopping from a battle manga universe to a universe where the laws of physics don’t apply, I was hooked.
And kudos to the translator - puns and slang seem to be especially difficult to deal with, and they’re doing a great job.
Eager for more. 10 months ago
Agreed that the translator has been killing it with this series. Great notes at the end of each chapter. 10 months ago
I love the notes.
That’s really one of my favorite things in manga - when a conscientious solo translator takes on a manga that includes a lot of wordplay and that they obviously appreciate, and documents the process along the way. There’s a sort of sense of camaraderie that develops as the translator shares the original kanji and what it means and what it implies and why they translated it the way they did. I haven’t had a really good one of those to follow since Bainhardt and Ueno-san wa Bukiyou, so that’s another point in this manga’s favor.