For years I’ve been running my Nextcloud on bare metal. Now I finally decided to switch it to docker. I looked into Nextcloud All-In-One and it seems easy to deploy but it lacks configuration options like multiple domain names and putting it behind a traefik reverse proxy is kind of a pain to set up.
You can check out my solution on GitHub. I decided on a docker compose setup with nginx, php-fpm and redis(redis is now replaced by KeyDB) in separate containers. Obviously it’s for experts but it’s a lot more configurable. than AIO. It’s also just as easy to migrate to as with any bare metal setup and just as configurable.Yes it’s still a pain to set up, but better than the bare metal version lol
What do you guys think about putting the different components (webserver, php, redis, etc.) in separate containers like this, as compared to all in one? Feedback is greatly appreciated! 10 months ago
People usually come here looking for advice on how to replace their dockerized nextcloud setup with a bare-metal setup. Now you came along presenting a solution to the reverse! Bravo!
I actually has a similar setup, but with nextcloud apache container instead of php-fpm. 10 months ago
Docker is bare metal 10 months ago
Well, since we want to be technical … Docker is not bare metal. Linux apps are not bare metal. Arduino is bare metal. 10 months ago
Thanks for the kind words! Could you link me to the apache container you use? I would like to replace nginx since it’s not officially supported but still need to do some research on apache 10 months ago
I’m currently using
because some nextcloud apps I use is not compatible with v27 and v28 yet. The apache version is actually less hassle to use because nextcloud can generate .htaccess configuration dynamically by itself, unlike php-fpm version where you have to maintain your own nginx configuration. The php-fpm version is supposedly faster and scale better though, but chance that you won’t see that benefits unless your server handles a large amount of traffics.