Often find myself getting frustrated editing yaml, and it seems to be used everywhere for some reason I cannot fathom
I have an idea to write an editor plugin that will, when opening a yaml file, convert it to json (or some other less painful configuration language), then convert back on save. I don’t know enough about yaml syntax to know if that’s possible or if there’s some quirk that makes them not completely cross compatible
Or alternatively if it exists a better CLI tool for editing yaml than just a normal text editor because I’m getting sick of pasting in a block of yaml and then having to fix the 8 indentation errors that somehow spawn from that
bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 11 months ago
What text editor are you using? In theory most should detect a yaml file and adjust their indentation behaviour appropriately. I edit yaml in VSCode and Kate and it’s never been a problem.
flashgnash@lemm.ee 11 months ago
I use nvim for it, it works but I’d rather not have to deal with indentation in the first place
bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 11 months ago
Well in that case, I have good news. All valid JSON is also valid yaml. It’s a superset by definition. So if you really hate yaml so much you can just write your yaml files as JSON and the parser should handle it fine. Just be aware that yaml does some more agressive typecasting when quotes are omitted, so you may need to figure out which value is actually being used when converting.