On the 9 June 2023, at Mala, Karkala, Karnataka, India, researchers found Rao’s intermediate golden-backed frog, (Hylarana intermedia) with a rather fetching, fungal companion growing out of it’s side
Mycologists identified the fungi as Common Bonnet, part of the Mycena genus, a type of fungi that mostly grows on rotting wood from dead trees, however it has also been discovered to be able to thrive on living plants as well
The frog appeared to be quite healthy and was not caught, so there’s no definitive answer why it was hosting a mushroom, however…
…one of the possibilities is that there is a small piece of woody debris under the skin of the frog after it got lodged in the skin and it has sprouted a mushroom from it…
All photos by Lohit Y.T. one of the researchers who discovered the frog and co-author of the paper
ArmoredThirteen@lemmy.ml 11 months ago
Somehow this is both completely horrifying and very adorable