Only US corps can sell US people info, Chinese corps can’t…
Submitted 11 months ago by to
Comments 11 months ago 11 months ago
The U.S. lawmakers say ByteDance may be using the app to collect data on Americans and pass it on to the Chinese government. The app’s algorithms also are capable of influencing public opinion in the United States, where the platform has about 150 million users
That’s not a selling data concern. 11 months ago
It’s the same Meta, Twitter, Reddit and all west centralized social media are doing but instead of be working for communists they are working for fascists. 11 months ago
If you replace government with authorities it’s basically the same. US authorities also buy information from tech companies, which has been very clearly revealed on several occasions. Obviously when police and intelligence services do it, it might as well be the government. It’s just weird to claim the “government” can do it, because of course they can. Just like USA has made regulation that American companies can’t claim secrecy on things they have on servers in EU, despite EU regulation makes it illegal to pass on to US authorities.
No doubt USA is in the wrong too on this issue, whether China is worse IDK. 11 months ago
American censorship at its finest 11 months ago
Censorship in this case would be banning short form videos, not a platform they can be hosted on. 11 months ago
But China never wants to hurt anyone, I read it on the internet. So, if they collect our data, it must be to help us be better people, because that’s all China wants. Everyone to be happy, with sunshine and rainbows all day long. I bet they’ll make unicorns too, and we can all be happy together. 11 months ago
nice try, .ml user 11 months ago
And now replace your statement with the US, matches perfectly, isn’t it?