Hi there, hoping to find some help with a naive networking question.

I recently bought my first firewall appliance, installed Opnsense and am going to use it with my ISP modem in bridge mode, but while I’m learning I added it to my existing LAN with a address assigned to the WAN port by my current DHCP. On the firewall’s LAN port I set up a network and am starting to build up my services. So far so good, but there’s one thing I can’t get to work: I can’t port forward the firewall’s WAN IP to a service on the firewall’s LAN network and I can’t figure out why.

To illustrate, I would like laptop with IP to be able to reach service on by requesting firewall WAN IP

Private IPs and bogons are permitted on the WAN interface and I have followed every guide I can find for the port forwarding, but the closest I have come to this working is a “connection reset” browser error.

Hope my question is clear and isn’t very dumb. Thanks for the help or any explanation why I might be struggling to get this to work. Am I missing something obvious?