Shout outs to the people who keep the Lemmy communities alive with new content.
You are the real heroes.
Submitted 1 year ago by to
Shout outs to the people who keep the Lemmy communities alive with new content.
You are the real heroes.
Bee = bae
Original by itsbyrosie:…/as-u-can-see-i-dont-actually-know-ho… 1 year ago
That reminds me. This is a good time to get some native bee homes ready for when they appear in spring. Those little guys are super efficient and awesome and could use the help. I got one bee home last year but gonna add maybe one or two more. I also need to figure out how to automate refilling a bee watering hole hmm. 1 year ago
I’m still waiting for my bee homes to be used. Maybe this season… 1 year ago
I got a few even though I put one out late. Good luck!