You know what there won't be more of - flood defences. Nor funding for the NHS or fire departments, and even social services, that are going to have to deal with the aftermath.
Though I bet Richi has some friends in the sandbag industry that are about to make a killing (in contracts, and then literally, when they fail to actually fulfil them).. 11 months ago
Told you so - Earth’s climate scientists 11 months ago
Why does it seem that the people that believe in climate change are the lesser of the population when it’s right in front of everyone’s face? It’s like a play by play of things we were told in school. It’s like a crash in slow motion that you can’t stop. 11 months ago
Because the ones in power make a lot of money from the way things work, so they’re constantly convincing most of the people that there’s nothing wrong with the way things are going.