Good fuckng riddance.
Adobe would run Figma to the ground if it was acquired.
Submitted 1 year ago by to
Good fuckng riddance.
Adobe would run Figma to the ground if it was acquired.
Yeah, major bullet dodged there. Just when I started actually appreciating Figma and heard about the Adobe plans, I automatically felt like I just need to hate Figma to not get used to it too much — just in case.
Affinity is great and gets better, Figma stays great and gets better, for now at least, all fine with me. No Adobe logo anywhere in sight — good news for me.
Figma? What’s Fig ma?
figma balls
Fig ma balls.
Figma sounds a LOT like “fityma” in my language, which means foreskin.
even yummier
WOOOO 1 year ago
”While Adobe and Figma shared a vision to jointly redefine the future of creativity and productivity, we continue to be well positioned to capitalize on our massive market opportunity and mission to change the world through personalized digital experiences.”
I vehemently don’t want Adobe to achieve any of these things.