Submitted 1 year ago by notsorryforpartying@lemmy.world to newcommunities@lemmy.world
Is there not an opt-out to be part of the front page? That does seem like an option mods would want to have.
I ran a niche VW community and for a quarter of a year, I singlehandedly posted multiple posts daily. No downvotes, subscribers gained, 50+ up votes on some but practically 0 community engagement or content. Lemmy is too small still to support anything but politics or tech of a certain slant.
Do downvotes actually impact visibility on Lemmy?
sabreW4K3@lemmy.tf 1 year ago
Is it possible you’re being overly sensitive? Your community doesn’t have a lot of content or discussion, in fact prior to your last post, the previous was 4 months ago.
In regards to downvotes, there’s pricks on here that think that All is a curated feed and vote accordingly. Sadly there’s nothing no one can do to fix that. All you can do, as a community leader is to post regular good content and engage with the members you do get. Building a community is always more about the people than the numbers.
notsorryforpartying@lemmy.world 1 year ago
givesomefucks@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Lots of people browse by r/all because Lenny is small
Your post looks like an ad. So people down voted it. Like 3-4 people by what it looks like.
And the last post was 4 months ago, and you average 1 user every six months…
Doesn’t look like anyone besides you has ever posted or commented…
Reddit can have specific subs for everything because its a big site that grew organically.
Lemme just isn’t big enough for subs about fashion brands, at least not your favorite
givesomefucks@lemmy.world 1 year ago
OP waited a whole 15 minutes before posting this to complain about the handful of down votes their post got…
How on Earth could someone like that be overly sensitive?
Seriously tho OP, I’d have down voted that if I saw it on r/all because it looks like an ad for an overpriced clothing brand.
I’m betting thats why it’s down voted.