Here’s some more coverage of days 3 and 4 of the McBride trial:
Day 4:
- Whistleblower David McBride loses bid to stave off trial over public interest defence…/whistleblower-david-mcbride-los…
- Duty bound to hide a crime. Appeals Court paves the way for McBride “guilty” verdict ……
Day 3:
- Commonwealth argues against handing more intel to whistleblower as trial delayed…/whistleblower-s-trial-delayed-after-…
- Whistleblower David McBride’s trial delayed slightly over key public interest argument…/whistleblower-david-mcbrides-tr…
- Is the law is an ass? David McBride case takes another twist on day three ……
- David McBride Trial - Day Three - Consortium News
The Afghan Files, abc News reports that McBride is the source of (2017):
- The Afghan Files…/8466642 1 year ago
This is fucking shameful. War criminals walk free whilst people standing up for what’s right get locked up. Our justice system makes a mockery of itself.