Hello again, I hope it’s okay that I make several posts in a rather short time, I’m stumped.

I run a series of containers on old computer A for the recipe manager Tandoor Recipes.

I want to move it to another computer B so I initially thought I would: -copy the env and docker-compose -dump the source database

Move everything to the new computer, compose everything and fill the database from the dump.

I got 500 server errors so I went on Discord and asked what was the proper way of doing this. I’ve been told in theory I could shut everything down, pack my Tandoor folder in a zip, paste it on the target computer B and boot everything and voilà.

None of this works properly.

I do manage to get an instance of Tandoor running on my new computer, it displays every recipe I had originally, but it has an issue when trying to create a new recipe. I get a white page with “Server Error (500)”. It does not happen on the original Tandoor, despite being all the same files in theory.

I noticed that on my source computer, the postgres DB directory changes permission when I start the container, as well as the directory containing the recipe pictures. So I’m wondering if wrong permissions might be corrupting data while copying stuff?
