How long will it be until I feel like I’m missing out with my fully working limbs?
Above-Elbow Bionic Arm Can Control Every Finger
Submitted 1 year ago by to 1 year ago
Not that stuff like this isn’t a good step. But I actually listenented to a podcast where a lady was interviewed who had one of these (not the exact same company/model but the same bionic arm deal). Anyway she actually ended up hating the thing since it is both harder to user than a static prosthetic and needs to be charged. And all of that is on top of the fact she had spent thousands of dollars to get the thing in the first place.
I’m really happy we’re making advancements in this field but it does sound like it has a really long way to go 1 year ago
That’s pretty common. The abandonment rate for upper limb prostheses is fairly high. Upper limb prosthesis users tend to favor traditional cable systems over myoelectric devices due to the feeling of having more control of it and being the driving force of the prosthesis as opposed to activating a set of electrodes. Also, factor in the cost of the devices which is upwards of $100,000.