I’m just now watching Discovery. I just have to rant. Consider this a spoiler warning if you haven’t seen it.


I can’t be the only person on the planet who finds it incredible that, after 1000 years, the Federation was still reliant solely on dilithium for warp travel. That it hadn’t established diplomatic relations and technology exchanges with the rest of the galaxy. That it was still limited to the Milky Way, especially since the Kelvans’ drone ship should’ve reached Andromeda about 700 years ago with the offer to peacefully accept their refugees. That it hadn’t yet managed to adapt Borg transwarp tech with Jurati’s help. Seriously, the most impressive technology advance in a millenium was miniaturizing a tricorder, padd, and personal transporter (that apparently reads minds, although not very well – poor Linus) into their commbadges? And don’t get me started on destroying a new character’s entire solar system just for cheap dramatic effect. This kickass cast and production crew are doing the impossible with what they’ve been given. But no wonder it’s been cancelled after Season 5.