That Opportunity impression was incredible. The little rover that could! The 90-day mission that lasted 14 years!
However, whenever Opportunity comes up in conversation, it makes me think of it ill-fated (but still incredibly impressive) twin, Spirit. Then, that makes me think of this xkcd and I get sad…
I took a close look at the chalkboard behind her on the first page and I don’t think there is much of anything actually rocketry related on there, just gibberish. The only two things I could pick out is the small diagram of a rocket taking off in the upper right and then the paper attached to the board in the lower left stating their rocket’s specific impulse value is 216 s.
The specific impulse can roughly be thought of as the efficiency of the rocket. A value of 216 s is a bit on the low side, but not bad for a solid-fueled rocket. For comparison, the solid rocket boosters on the Space Shuttle had a specific impulse of 250 s. So, this value seems perfectly reasonable for what amounts to an amateur club that can’t optimize the way that a national space program could. 17 hours ago
That art style really reminds me of Pseudo Harem.